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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Without knowing the details of Trump’s indictment how can you say what offences have been committed by Trump, let anyone by others? I did not say that I knew what offences he has been charged with, I said that others committing the same offences that he has been indicted for should be treated in the exact same way.
  2. Don't worry he will go down hopefully! He won't be going down but, as a hypothetical, if he did, why do you think that he would "go down hopefully"?
  3. I know! But I can't wait to have fun! You're going to be disappointed.
  4. you obviously don't live in a village. Whilst i don't disagree with your comment... What's where I live got to do with anything? You, obviously, cannot disagree with that comment of mine as it was a factual quote from the child's mother, it was not my opinion.
  5. Sorry, can't name them, apparently that would be considered derailing, deflecting and off-topic, so you'll just have to use your imagination.
  6. "...a good day for the rule of law!" ...only if it applies to the others that committed the exact same offences.
  7. At least the woman wasn't doing anything remotely stupid or overtly flirtatious by having her substantial tits almost falling out of her top while she was serving a drunk with alcohol at night after she had closed the shop.
  8. The transfer doesn't seem to carry that much importance, then. Does your wife's travelling here to do the transfer work out cheaper than the phone call? If you can't do the transfer online your only alternative is to do it in person.
  9. The child and this dog have a history of incidents caused by the child, perhaps the dog simply has a memory.
  10. The Dog had bitten someone 3 times.... Thats already enough to identify the dog is a danger and should never be free to roam unrestrained. As the report clearly states those previous incidents also involved the same child and were instigated by the child according to his mother... "This was not the first time the dog had bitten someone. It had happened three times, but on the previous two occasions ... her son instigated those incidents, Ms. Sathita did not demand compensation".
  11. What in holy hell is wrong with you? He's commenting on what was reported but most posters are ignoring. This child, approaching the dog with the plastic bag, had instigated previous incidents with this dog, his comment was perfectly reasonable.
  12. And the article clearly states that on those previous occasions the child's mother admitted that her son had instigated those incidents...the same child who was approaching the same dog with a plastic bag this time. Perhaps...?
  13. "...occasionally does that throw out a negative response which is when they start asking for Driving Licence or other hard proof of address". Every UK bank, every time, for a new account applicant, will always ask for residence confirmation, it does not stop at an electoral roll and credit check. "...you need to find a bank ...that has no objection to a foreign address." That doesn't exist under the banks' current guidelines under which UK residence is a prerequisite of all the UK banks for new accounts.
  14. The OP is asking about the current situation and HSBC, along with every other UK bank, does not permit Thai expats (non-UK residents) to open new accounts.
  15. Maybe you shouldn't blame AIS, nor give them the "Chinese" rant, for your choice of where to live?
  16. "...they have to do if someone changes note..." They don't have to...that's what the thread is about, Scandinavian banks not buying back their currency.
  17. you give me stalker vibes tbh. If you don't want responses to your thoughts, don't post them on a forum the sole purpose of which is to generate comments and responses. Your "vibes" are your problem, not mine.
  18. Why so aggressive in your reply? Please tell us if you know more of the story. There was no "aggresion" in my post, just a comment on what you said that suggested, perhaps, that you knew more of the story! Please tell us if you do.
  19. I've no idea what info your bank has about you but, if you're so confident, why don't you call them and tell them specifically that you're no longer UK resident and ask if that has any effect on the standing of your UK account?
  20. whats your beef Loo? why are you so obsessed with me? No beef, no obsession, Boo, just a comment...on a forum.
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