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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You already have equal civil rights, what are you talking about?
  2. Isn't it my prerogative to post how I wish on a forum that exists to discuss other posters' opinions? I hope you're not suggesting that your "style" is superior just because I comment as I see fit and do not post Smith-like, long-winded theses!
  3. Good idea. Why nor blame the dead victim. Afterall, it is not as if she can answer back. I did not blame her for her own death, I simply pointed out fact, she knew what the situation was with the house/owner when she bought it, presumably at an appropriate price.
  4. Legal Execution Department, more than likely. https://www.led.go.th/?lang=en
  5. What makes you think that the bank didn't sell it with the buyer knowing that he had refused to leave? It was reported that she was, at one stage, trying to sell it back to the original owner. It is the buyer's responsibility to check that there is vacant possession, not the bank's.
  6. Read the article in full, the bank did have a reposession order and he had eviction orders which he refused to comply with.
  7. Why did she buy it when (she knew that) the house was not vacated? No one forced her.
  8. Indeed, but she agreed to buy it knowing that he was still in the property ignoring eviction orders.
  9. Yes, just don't answer the phone when the driver calls.
  10. Seems as thought the entire point of the OP went over the heads of everyone, so far, or maybe they just can't read... "The video has regained attention after former politician and soapy king Chuwit Kamolvisit shared it on Facebook. In his post, he questions the credibility of Sondhi’s advice and even mockingly wonders if excrement can also be used as a treatment for ailments. He said… “If someone’s gums hurt from talking too much, can they apply excrement and get better?”
  11. Even tougher to understand what makes you say that the reported road rage incident "is being handled like a murder"...there's no indication of that, at all.
  12. Ring their call centre they will help with locations, You can google Business and International trade branches I didn't ask you for locations, I asked you what a "trade" branch is (as opposed to a "branch").
  13. Rubber/silicone door stops wedged under it will sort it. Can't help you with a mechanic recommendation to install them, though.
  14. Why replace something that has nothing wrong with it? Are you going to replace all the other 8-year old parts of the bike also, just in case?
  15. Motorbike drivers and their passengers are required by law to wear helmets. A survey conducted by the Thailand Accident Research Center in 2009 found that out of the 3,757 motorbike drivers and passengers surveyed, 15% were unaware that passengers must wear helmets and 32% did not wear helmets while riding as passengers. The payment for breaking helmet laws depends on the authorized officer issuing the fine, but is usually between 500-1000 baht. Quoted from Thailand Law Forum if that helps. No, it does not "help" but then I didn't need any help as I already know what the helmet laws are. You seem to be assuming that, in this particular case that I was asking about, the helmet law hadn't been enforced or that the boy wasn't wearing a helmet. Where did you get that information from?
  16. "You have the feeling that it is a private road". No, I do not.
  17. Then the bars should not allow that their staff stands on the road to get customers for the bars. They block the public space and force me to walk closer to the middle of the road. Indeed. I empathise with your desperately awful situation of having to walk closer to the road. Maybe you should report them to the police?
  18. I agree, but I'd call it free "speech" and that is not soliciting. I'd imagine the solicitors take the conversation a bit further, though.
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