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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What you will do if it was you facing this situation? Sorry, but if it were me, I'd never have booked accommodation through someone I did not know and have no other means of contacting except via a chat app. I think that's where you went wrong and you should now just write it off and put it down to experience.
  2. No, there's no law about it, they are not "banned". If they were banned this debate would not be able to exist! What are you on? Expand Typical ‘LL’ arguing in the innate intricacies of a discussion... Phones ARE banned while filling up at petrol stations world wide.... You know exactly what is meant by that. They are banned by the companies that own the filling stations Typical response to an absolutely accurate comment of mine. So where do you leave your phone when you fill up, then, if they are banned? Phones are not banned from petrol stations, no one will ever be prevented from entering a petrol station with a phone in their vehicle, hand or pocket, just as running engines aren't banned from forecourts, either.
  3. I didn't say that, I am doubting the rationale of the reasons, though. If anyone has any conclusively proven evidence to the contrary, I'm more than happy to get stuck into my humble pie!
  4. Western Union (or similar), to yourself, collect it when you arrive. Or what Kwasaki suggested...dormant accounts can be revived sometimes.
  5. Marks and Spencer UK, online. Proper large sized socks are unknown in Thailand in my big-footed experience. I've bought these online also, they're good, properly sized but not cheap... https://shop.gentlemansgazette.com/accessories/socks
  6. I'd call them. Who did you book with, an anonymous chat group/person you'd never heard of?
  7. You are welcome to search . I know I am, obviously, I do not need your agreement to do anything. The onus is not on me to search for situations that do not occur, but, regardless, I have searched and there are no proven circumstances. You're the one claiming these things happen so you produce the conclusive results of your search!
  8. The first point is an opinion not backed up with any specific evidence so it is pointless. A banana skin is just as "potentially dangerous" on a petrol station driveway! The second point is just plain wrong, mobile phones do not emit sparks and dropping a phone is no more likely to cause sparks than dropping a set of keys or a coin, i.e. the chances are negligible. The third point is completely irrelevant to the questions that are being discussed i.e. explosions caused by engines running or phones being used.
  9. Never happened ? You are such a wonderful individual with such wisdom. I'm happy to be corrected if you have something that conclusively contradicts my comment, something that has been investigated and proven. The humble pie is in the fridge as I type this.
  10. I think that there's three... 3) Any officially confirmed reports of 1) or 2) ever causing an incident?
  11. What about all the smoke damage on the car? What about it? Smoke damage does not mean that a phone started the fire.
  12. Also no indication that it may not be true. On the contrary, the fact that it has not been mentioned at all, anywhere, is a pretty good indication that there's nothing to your unwarranted assertion.
  13. Lightning maybe Running car engines and phones do not cause lightning.
  14. https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/550135-fire-ignited-by-cell-phone-spark-razes-filling-station-in-badagry.html?tztc=1 No confirmation there, either, just a guess from an attendant at a Lagos(!) petrol station.
  15. There was no confirmation that the phone was the cause.
  16. I agree and I do it. It's the reasons for it that don't make much sense, that's the point I'm trying to make.
  17. Yes it has been known before . There was an explosion caused by a mobil phone one time that I have read about when the user received a call while filling up the tank. Hearsay. Searches do not bring that alleged incident up.
  18. So why is it pretty much universal that we turn of our vehicles and do not use our phones when refusing our cars the counties many of us come from ? Obviously the rule was from times when there was greater risk of the vehicle being a potential ignition source, these days it would just be those poorly maintained vehicles which are a potential source. Turning off the car limits the risk.... Mobile phones.. I too am extremely skeptical about this one... "So why is it pretty much universal that we turn of our vehicles and do not use our phones when refusing our cars the counties many of us come from ?" No idea why. Because we're all sheep, I suppose. Maybe someone here could explain how a running engine poses a real danger of causing the tank to explode while refuelling? I've never heard of a reported incident of it causing problems, maybe others have. "Mobile phones.. I too am extremely skeptical about this one..." Yes, can't remember the last time my phone started throwing sparks all over the place. Can't recall any reports of them causing explosions, either. It's a bit like the making a call on a plane "danger", if there really was a danger phones would be banned from petrol stations and planes.
  19. Many reasons you could have a fault in the wiring of a car. I know that, but has there ever been any report of that causing an explosion while a car was being filled up...ever?
  20. Good idea but if it's sent again the same problem will likely occur as it is a medication.
  21. Smoking , mobil phones , electric short from a fault in the car etc Who smokes while filling up and how would turning off the engine help that situation? What about "mobil" phones? They don't generate sparks Electrical short? You mean when the car bursts into flames? If there was an electrical short of such huge consequence there'd be almost no chance that the car was able to be driven to the pump.
  22. SHAME on you for going 132 and endangering the lives of people living in Thailand. What horrible behavior and really makes expats look horrible. You seem so proud of riding dangerously and "getting away" with your behavior when compared with back home. Horrible in a million ways, and you will never learn. 'kin hell. Whose life did he endanger? No one's, it seems. Have you ever exceeded a speed limit at any time in your perfect life?
  23. The petrol vapour will explode if ignited . Could be ignited by a host of reasons. Really? What is likely to ignite it while filling up?
  24. Risk from what? Petrol vapour does not just explode.
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