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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. European or US prices are irrelevant, he didn't necessarily "over pay", this is Thailand and Thailand's car prices are the only option buyers have.
  2. There are money back guarantees in Canada, its called the Lemon Act or CAMVAP, which covers 94% of new car sales in Canada. You can get 100% refund on the purchase price if there are too many repairs on a new vehicle or even some used car. Used cars have to qualify. Had a friend buy a new Cadillac, dealer had 3 chances to get it running properly and never did, so he got 100% of his money refunded. So what? Thailand isn't Canada.
  3. Serious question, is that a facility offered for Burmese or just your wishful thinking? I've been here for almost thirty years and I can prove it, does that mean that I can get Thai nationality on that basis alone?
  4. Wasn't trying to buy illegal Thai ID. I wanted a legal one for her. Yes, you were, if you didn't know that a Myanmar national cannot "buy" a Thai ID from the uncle of a girl in a bar, there's no hope.
  5. Sorry, once again your lame attempt at RTP- or Thai-bashing disparagement fails... "Police examined CCTV footage of the hallway and saw the victim pacing back and forth for some time, seemingly dazed and confused. Blood was also dripping from his temple but no one was seen with the victim, said police".
  6. Isn't that comment just a re-run of last year's comment? And the year before's, and the year before's, and the year before's, etc.?
  7. There's a big difference between simply being a prostitute (or hundreds of girls being prostitutes) which is not illegal, and the police observing the offence of prostitution or soliciting taking place, as one other very wise poster commented.
  8. Depends if the warranty was extended by the dealer which I doubt. Porsche offer up to 36 months warranty. All Porsche models, legitimately imported, have a 4-year warranty.
  9. Not just the Yanks, so do other countries, UK for example... NCA. MI6, MI5, PM, NIHR, MHRA, UKHSA, NHS, etc.
  10. Thailand News forum Lou! Have a look! Thailand News is a sub-forum, the forum is Asean Now...have a look!
  11. This is not "a Thai forum", it is Asean Now and has sub-forums for international discussions ("World News") and the "Home Country News"
  12. What's his issue (apart from a pedantic "is it '20 or '21") when he can get it fixed under the Porsche warranty? I doubt that any dealer offers a money-back guarantee for used cars.
  13. Prefacing every action with "I'll go ahead and [do something]" or "I went ahead and [did something]" "I went ahead and called a taxi". Proper English, "I called a taxi". "I'll go ahead and have another beer". Proper English, "I'll have another beer"
  14. feeling sorry for you, kind of! why are you so bitter? I'm not at all bitter, that's just your incorrect interpretation of my comments.
  15. There will be a test. I should of guessed there would be, your probably right.
  16. Nothing more than a RTP recommendation for the RTP, nothing to prevent journalists from doing it...or the police, come to that
  17. Or even know where the UK is Or where the US is!
  18. Got to be careful here with that crit, no names, no pack drill!
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