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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. That is not the situation here, there are two different properties owned by her, one mortgaged only to the bank and the other mortgaged only to the OP.
  2. "...think they can touch land that has a mortgage registered on it? Only in the event of making her bankrupt and going after any assets she has. If a court ordered liquidation of her assets to repay creditors 'your' property would be sold, the mortgage to you paid off and the balance distributed to her creditors.
  3. He never mentioned wanting to do it in Thailand. I was responding to a poster who specifically referenced Bangkok agencies.
  4. Orange Man? Sad. "Savile" was his name.
  5. Just have a J Arthur and get over it, you'll feel better. And stop watching so much Asian porn.
  6. Yes, producing pornography in Thailand and uploading it is, and always was, illegal.
  7. Oh, yes, they're found all over the place, aren't they, in an illegal industry!?
  8. Maybe adjust your price range filter or don't rely on only Renthub!
  9. These types of girls have more than one John.. It could be her ! No, his was special!
  10. An ad for LEO only if you disregard all the other businesses that were similarly promoted on the stock photo.
  11. Freestanding ovens/cookers are not a rarity in many apartments or condos - built-in ovens may be less common. but are not rare at all. Three of the apartments I have lived in, in Sois 22, 6 and 31 have had ovens.
  12. It's to point out that the horsecrap of whoever wrote the OP is glaringly obvious - someone will be watching to see the reactions to their thread.
  13. "It's different when the girl actually likes you". ...and has a job, sponsor, comes from money or still lives at home with that money...how else do they survive? "She also bought gifts and would pay for meals sometimes". Where did she get the money from to treat you?
  14. "Virgins are unnecessary..." Even virgins have can herpes as it is passed on by skin contact. Condoms lower the risk, but they don't provide complete protection because they might not cover all the skin that has herpes sores or active viruses.
  15. I think you are right Jim, or is it James :) if you can find one that lived overseas for a while, not just travelled to Korea or so. for all my years, I've yet to get even older ladies to offer an sincere emotional response to 'how are you feeling?' it's like it doesn't exist, just living in the moment, prefer to talk about food , tbh, this is also a general asian thing, otoh, maybe you won't get nagged for the same reasons as you would in the great west What has my comment got to do with all that b0llocks?
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/unsold-chinese-evs-piling-ports-124500003.html You really should read your own links before posting, that article does not refer to EVs piling up in China, as KhunLA commented, it is about European ports.
  17. Americans can't have an opinion on British food ? I didn't say that, my comment was a ironic reflection of his hypocrisy, you know, an American calling British food bad!
  18. I was just telling you they had a sign. No need to be all defensive. Why were you telling me that they had a sign? I didn't ask that question. I was not "being all defensive" [sic].
  19. That is perfectly normal, what's your point? Import goods into Thailand, don't be surprised if you're charged import duty and VAT
  20. Laptop-type computers are zero-rated for import duty so Amazon shouldn't have charged you for it, either.
  21. Nonsense, their fee probably would be more than a couple of hundred baht.
  22. They had a sign Lou. Did I say that they didn't? You need to read the comment my post was in response to.
  23. Cobblers, you hit "Submit Reply" multiple times.
  24. Khon Kaen is highly developed and Isan is a region of Thailand of which KK is just a part.
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