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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. How insightful. But regrettably unhelpful, in the sense that it appears to simply be an insult that adds nothing to the conversation. What was the point posting it, one wonders? Do you see the irony of your comment suggesting that his comment "adds nothing to the conversation"?
  2. Because the family has embarrassed their adult son, perhaps?
  3. Strange, not any report of you reading the OP... "...on Tuesday (July 23rd), a volunteer lawyer at the Chalong Police Station received a formal assistance request..."
  4. To be fair, he has a point. Even you don't have the need to post on EVERY thread 😉 "To be fair, he has a point". He doesn't have a fair point "Even you don't have the need to post on EVERY thread 😉" But I could and no one else could have any say in the matter.
  5. This forum is just an infinitesimally small fraction of the foreigners living in Thailand
  6. why do need to take over every thread man? Isn't this a public forum that has only one raison d'être - to publish posts from members? Who are you to suggest that any other poster's contribution may be too much?
  7. What has the number of days of membership got to do with anything and why the sneering remark? Non-members can read the forum too.
  8. Quite right, but more sad than funny, really, but only to be expected here.
  9. That has hardly ever been the case from AN posters!
  10. So Trump was convicted of insurrection, was he? Was he even charged with that crime? Rhetorical questions, obviously. He didn't say to drink bleach, either.
  11. Trump has not been convicted of any sex crime and after the appeal will not be a felon. All politicians being popularly touted now are also serial liars.
  12. They all time-out if no input is made, they do not stay open.
  13. He can't dispute the ownership of the house if it is transferred to your name, he could have a row with you about getting his stuff back, though. What are you going to do with them if you move in?
  14. It is charged by Thailand's Customs on the CIF value, if your package is unlucky enough to be checked, many aren't. Import duty rates are laid down in regulations. If your package is coming via courier, as opposed to post, the courier company will charge any duty/VAT on behalf of the Customs dept.
  15. 7% VAT and normal import duty, probably in the region of 10-30% maximum, are the only taxes that would be charged. For normal purchases such as yours, Thailand does not "slug anyone with huge taxes before they hand them over". https://www.simplyduty.com/import-calculator/
  16. Anyone who "rocks up" is immediately denied entry, and rightfully so. Money in the bank does not count but it is very unusual that B20k cash is required to be shown, unless the IO has suspicions about the traveller. Never happened once to me in 30 years.
  17. If you look at the CCTV he was falling off while the bus was moving along the road normally.
  18. The bus did not appear to be stopping, it was moving along normally.
  19. CCTV did not show that the bus was slowing down, it appeared to be moving at a constant pace, relatively slowly.
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