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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Because the Law would never require or force a Financial company to use a private company in this case National Digital Co., Ltd for account verification I mean what if that company were to close down? "Because the Law would never require or force a Financial company to use a private company in this case National Digital Co., Ltd for account verification..." Really? How come it did, then?
  2. "it also gives no indication of why a business account opened by a foreigner can't be used". It does. The reason is that government regulations require the business account registrant to have a Thai national ID card.
  3. Then the next step requires NDID authorisation that requires a Thai national ID number.
  4. Your "pink" ID was accepted on the form but unfortunately your registration wasn't so it's sort of irrelevant to the application.
  5. But it does, because PayPal chose not to allow other proof of ID recognition. It does not. Thai ID was the only ID considered as acceptable by the government regulations, PPT had no alternative.
  6. A TIN is not a Thai national ID number, only ID numbers are acceptable.
  7. Again we see another Thaivisa poster's Thai-bashing in action. "Farangs" aren't the only ones who are affected by the change.
  8. "Can't count how many times they sent emails (from an address you can't reply to)" You didn't think of messaging them through the facility provided on your account or picking up the phone and calling them? Those who did that had everything explained to them very clearly.
  9. Yeah, right. Of course, they'd admit to that damning detail.
  10. I doubt that. It is not what has been said in any communication I've had from PayPal, and to log into your account you now need a Thai ID card. Where did you read otherwise, please? Where did you read otherwise, please? He didn't.
  11. Okay. The Thai ID wasn't mentioned in the OP. It was very clearly mentioned in the OP link which is part of the OP..
  12. Not without registering their PP Thailand account and that requires a Thai ID card.
  13. He's very much trying to sell. He has stated that he's not trying to sell here, but that is a missed opportunity. The answers to questions posted here should be the same as questions posted anywhere. Why not treat this online site as a possible avenue to find people that might be interested to buy? The questions asked here are likely to be not all that different from anywhere else. Putting up defensive barriers wont help. People buy from people before anything else. Everything in my comment is 100% accurate and everything in your comment needs to be addressed to the OP, not me.
  14. "Meter fixing" is an issue in Bangkok? I haven't come across that since I got here 1994 and I use Bangkok taxis every day.
  15. How would you know that if you haven't used those taxis for many years? How does the service offered by specific coloured taxis differ from others and what makes you say that most of the drivers of those taxis drive like lunatics? Are you perhaps over-generalising based on one of those taxis?
  16. How come Asean Now didn't "note" the differences in flagfall that were clearly reported?... "Flagfall and fare for the first kilometer will be ... 40 baht for larger ones". Liverpool Lou notes that B40 flagfall is a B5 increase.
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