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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Such complete b0llocks, unless you can back it up with something empirical. The auctions are not run by the police .
  2. The RTP don't conduct the auctions, the government does that and the auctions are announced in the local press and on government websites.
  3. Another great opportunity for Thaivisa whingers to rant and speculate negatively about something that is a positive improvement. Go for it, fill yer boots!
  4. Maybe it came from the same place that 'pussy' and 'fanny' came from?
  5. Think you are incorrect here. To obtain new debit card is an easy process with just passbook, passport and old card. Banks are not interested in Visa status for any transactions after you have initially opened an account. No, I'm not incorrect. When banks require sight of the passport they take a copy and also check the visa status; try to get any kind of bank transaction done if you present a PP with an expired visa/extension even if it's just a couple of days and see what the reaction is...I know from personal experience.
  6. Not every gangster is a biker mate Didn't say that they are, I was responding to someone else's post and, very obviously, my comment wasn't serious. Mate.
  7. The bank won't care as long as your VE status is still valid, they do usually check.
  8. "Maybe he was just a collector of guns" No, he wasn't, he traded weapons online.
  9. No one had to snitch, the police were on to him and his group.
  10. No, completely incorrect. He traded guns in an online group and the police had been monitoring him for some time, nothin to do with his just "being a foreigner TIT".
  11. Morale of the story.... don't overstay your welcome. Moral of the story, read the link, there's more to it than overstay.
  12. To give the pretense that the Police are doing their job! You're implying that those police were not doing their job? How do you come to that conclusion?
  13. No one who read the link would make that suggestion, she's an overstayer also!
  14. He has overstayed, so has his wife, he was threatening officers, was armed with an knife and tried to set fire to the house. They went lightly on the berk and you know it.
  15. So what should the police / immigration officers do if he's not cooperating, just walk away? Overstay is a serious problem in any country. Overstay was only part of his issues he and his wife caused.
  16. err, in the picture? 8 coppers dragging him out his house by the scruff of the neck not enough for you??? Er, that's what happens to those nuisances armed with knives who commit arson!
  17. so you've seen people lose a card and go in and ask? Only once, that was myself. that bank couldn't return it. And I know that they don't as a rule, they're returned to the various banks' Head Offices that don't return them, either.
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