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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You've got an example further up plus based on the work involved a 10 minute job, based on your analysis how much work you think? You mean that "super genuine", anonymous Thai "barrister"?! I haven't analysed the amount of work involved, neither do I care, but I don't think that the B1,000 that I've been charged, several times, in Bangkok is unreasonable for a lawyers time.
  2. Any Thai lawyer/notary can do that. You need to check who is acceptable to the Australian agency involved. No one here can tell you who that is.
  3. Notarising a signature/document is usually a B1,000 +VAT job, hardly going to break the bank.
  4. Also the reason why many are leaving. Really? Got some stats on the "many who are leaving" or are you just referring to a couple of idle threats from members here?
  5. "...5 times per hour or every 15 minutes..." There's 75 minutes in your hours? Don't take up teaching maths.
  6. Most of Lotus's bread is the same bread as sold in 7-11's
  7. "...it highlights the difference between the rich and the poor". Nonsense, it does not highlight the difference between the rich and the poor, in this case it highlights the difference between the two completely different charges.
  8. You seem to know a lot of fragile people from all nationalities!! I don't have to know any of them to know that they exist, my being able to read is a great asset!
  9. Do you have any sort of proof or at least a credible reliable news agency link which backs up your claim that Interpol was actively looked for Boss? I did not say that Interpol had "actively looked for" Vorayuth, I said that an Interpol Red Notice has been issued and Interpol and other sources have confirmed that to be the case including an Asean Now article in the last couple of days.
  10. Obviously. UK residents don't need certification from any outside party to open a UK bank account, Thais don't need it to open a Thai bank account, either.
  11. ...he may have been born in Ethiopia and move to Nigeria That would make him Ethiopian.
  12. No, it was either (meant to be) a question or it was a statement.
  13. You'd think that road rage never happened anywhere else. FUS, FUK, FEU, FAUS, FEE Male syndrome.
  14. Here we go, a MR KNOW IT ALL. Only you know what goes on in Thailand. So sorry! Apology accepted, glad that you understand now.
  15. As though she needed that explaining to her.
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