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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...because of all the rich people ... not paying taxes?" A daft theory that has been debunked as nonsense many times.
  2. How could that happen when laptops are zero-rated? Maybe you were charged VAT on the new computer, but not import duty.
  3. So they accepted a cheque that the bank returned unpaid and, even though they would have known your address, UK Customs didn't follow up on your fraud? No, that did not happen.
  4. If they're over the allowances (and are not just reasonable personal items likely to be just for the holiday) and they were bought outside Thailand and they are now importing those items, ever country can do that. "Gifts" aren't exempt!
  5. A story about legitimate import duty that a woman is complaining about because she hoped to avoid paying it? Jesus... It'll have no effect whatsoever on tourism. "Hope this story ... bites TAT on the rear". This is nothing to do with TAT but, regardless, why would you want it, so earnestly, to affect Thailand adversely?
  6. The regs may not be the same but all countries do have import duty laws.
  7. "What an idiotic system..." What a ridiculous "understanding" of the regulations.
  8. If it clearly your only personal phone that is used as that and not a new one you will have no problems.
  9. no mate you butted into a discussion we were already having! Thai is a public forum that you were having a public discussion on. "Butting in" on a public forum is not possible, conversations are open to anyone!
  10. Actually it does not, it merely shows the charges were paid and nothing in it would indicate if the charges were justified or invented or if the "designer goods" were in fact her personal effects and wardrobe, which is what she claimed most angrily. It doesn't matter if they were her "personal effects" which they were, or "her wardrobe". Over the allowances, anything that was purchased outside Thailand that she was importing was subject to assessment for import duty. If she disputes the assessment of duty she can appeal it. Apparently she isn't "angry" enough to do that, wonder why?
  11. It'd take a lot more than you to upset me! "sorry didnt realise you were an admin on here - Neeranam and I were just having a pleasent side discussion". You had been responding to my comments so it wasn't just "you and him"...and, this is a forum. If you want to get cosy with him, to the exclusion of other members of this forum, perhaps you should PM him!
  12. Villa has it, Tops usually have it also.
  13. See, this is where my comparison to a "transit visa" comes in. This Thai woman was not transitting.
  14. Patients in government hospitals have to pay whatever they are billed for. With no other parameters that could affect costs, there are no guidelines for treatment prices. As a previous reply stated, the visa is irrelevant.
  15. Nice to see that some Thaivisa posters are returning to the pre-pandemic normal of making up their own interpretation of Thailand's Customs/importation rules.
  16. Bingo. Nothing more needs be said. Bingo, my buttocks. Before "nothing more needs to be said" the law would have to be changed.
  17. And if that Thai citizen didn't leave Thailand they're ok to be effectively exempted from import duty? That doesn't make any sense.
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