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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. A "white lady's bike" is a bike regarded as a "lady's" model with predominantly white paintwork. Enlighten us, toofarnorth, what is a "ferlung" ?
  2. Yes. At the tyre shop they will see me, farang lady no poot Thai, price could multiply instantly... ...and you think that getting a Thaivisa poster's price and telling the tyre shop that's what they should be charging will make a difference? Geez.... "farang lady no poot Thai, price could multiply instantly..." You really think that happens everywhere, every time? Geez... Why not just go to a couple of shops and compare their prices then decide based on real prices?
  3. No, no, no...there are far more tyre service cost experts here than in any tyre shop!
  4. Ah the TAT Scouser representative Ah, the poster with such remarkably restricted geographical and social knowledge that he thinks that north western England is the only place that has a "Liverpool". If you're disputing the accuracy of my comment, provide some detail that isn't just lame rhetoric.
  5. you wouldn't recognise "empirical" if it stood in front of you with a big sign saying "this is empirical" So you've got nothing, then, that's what I thought. Lame attempts at insults aren't substitutes for statistics or facts.
  6. They weren't just "selling grilled pork balls", they are manufacturers/suppliers of the product with business interests also in rental properties and many other companies. Reading's not your forte, eh?
  7. "...something to be expected from the working or lower classes in Isaan" ...or something simply lost in the translation. And irrelevant.
  8. It is so unbelievablely illogical and irrational to even think that "losing all their wealth" is a possibility as a punishment. That does not happen anywhere unless their entire assets were acquired as a result of the trafficking.
  9. No. Until they were brought into Thailand, no Thai tax was paid. Whatever taxes she paid in S. Korea are irrelevant. Goods imported into Thailand are assessable for import duty.
  10. The point is that she hadn't paid tax on them when importing them to Thailand...import tax. That she "bought them, paid non-Thai taxes on them and wore some of them" is irrelevant to the Thai import tax liability.
  11. seriously? that is your take on the situation? Got anything empirical to suggest otherwise?
  12. It's just 1 illegal electronic cigarette
  13. The fines are not "bogus". Vaping and the equipment is illegal in this country.
  14. Why not? They will pay the same as you pay and it'd be good business for your agent.
  15. Really? With the exception of motor vehicles, which goods attract 400% import duty? Have you ever looked at the import duty rates shown on the Customs Department website for items such as those in the OP?
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