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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. There is no law prohibiting the provision of free plastic bags in Thailand. A retailers association some time ago did decide that they would recommend their members stopped supplying bags at all but that was soon dropped.
  2. You think that the OP is a "big spender"? 55555!
  3. Disingenuous bait ignored. Huh? You didn't ignore it, you responded!
  4. Hear, hear! Exactly what I wanted to say but didn't want to risk the wrath of the mods!
  5. "They also lost a customer for future booze purchases". Oooooo...they'll probably go bankrupt as a result of losing all your custom!
  6. Yes, but why should he have done that, why shouldn't the customer pay for the bag just as every other customer, many spending more than him, has to? I clipped your bizarre assertion that every Thai manager is robbing his employer.
  7. There service is sales, it is not the provision of carrier bags.
  8. Who (apart from you) said it was an "off the cuff comment", whatever that is supposed to mean? How could you know that the reporter was not quoting an official police statement given to the media? If it was known that alcohol was not a factor how could your claim that "tests on the sober driver need to be done" be valid?
  9. Try clicking on where it says "Watch on YouTube"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp4_x-77wyc
  10. Again, do you think that the article states that they were not drunk or on drugs? I've read it several times and cannot see anything claiming that. Can you quote the section that you think means that? Maybe we can help you understand it? There's a video in the linked article posted by TPN, the original source of the article, try watching and listening to that. Maybe then you'll realise that is is not me that needs help understanding the report?
  11. Continued promulgation of a myth; Thailand's immigration requirements are not "ever-changing" [sic].
  12. Perhaps it may be appropriate after a post like that to test the reading skills of the author? Does he have any? Was he half blind from booze unlike the Fortuner driver who, as confirmed by the police, wasn't?!
  13. A published link is always a better reference than a Thaivisa poster's Thai-bashing first "thoughts".
  14. Yes. It's more surprising that you were able to express that in one sentence, though, you usually need at least 27 paragraphs for your posts!
  15. Make up your mind! Obviously, tourists are coming to Thailand, if they weren't, there wouldn't be this temporary problem!
  16. Family borrowing money where only one is left to pay the sharks, others cannot pay back, time to leave So far there have been no reports of the involvement of loan sharks in this case but there have been specific mentions of an "investment scheme" that, clearly, didn't go as planned.
  17. Er, doesn't sound that it was just that!... "Ban Rai police said that the disappearance is connected to an investment scheme involving many people". And their phone numbers had been cancelled and were out of service.
  18. Thanks... I rang that number and a lady (in well spoken English) told me NONE of the original P.P. staff were working there. That lady was the daughter of the owner who died some time ago.
  19. With the car found on Wednesday at a second-hand car sale outlet in Udon Thani province during a livestream sale promotion?
  20. I've never heard a bar girl use the word "fer-lung", "falang", yes, but never "ferlung". In fact, I've never heard anyone use "ferlung" in normal speech, it seems to be a gratuitous, written, Thaivisa-poster oddity.
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