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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. There's more to Pattaya and the area than the parts you know and refer to!
  2. Instead of offering your apologies for other members' (what makes you think that you're in a position to do that?) and insulting their comments as "moronic posts" perhaps you should just apologise for your posting his video!
  3. Reading what happened from the OP and the link, I'd guess that they were both fined on a "his word against yours" basis (as another vehicle was damaged) before the following vehicle was able to provide the dashcam footage.
  4. There's always got to be one, hasn't there? She's not here to be judged by you.
  5. There are plenty of used car traders who deal in that kind of car if the faked papers appear legitimate. "After renting the car, he and his associate would use falsified documents to claim ownership of the car and sell it".
  6. Sorry, Sheryl, he made no reference to needing "socialised expertise" [sic]... "Can anyone recommend a good surgeon /doctor in Bangkok for treatment and follow-up of the fracture?"... he just asked for recommendations for good doctors who could examine, as a second opinion, an injury as basic as a broken shoulder and he was given that information with plenty of alternatives, including the hospital that you named.
  7. If you can’t see the difference between the examples you just gave and “Lotus’s” then perhaps it’s you who needs the remedial English. BTW, it’s “Tops” - not “Top’s.” ???? You were quite right about Tops but go ahead and explain the difference between (the possessive) McDonald's, Chester's and Lotus's. Incidentally, I did not say that you were in need of "remedial" English.
  8. No idea how they do it, but this was an overseas order. Not sure what you're saying, that invoice makes no mention of Thailand Import duty and VAT being prepaid. What was the item purchased?
  9. Never bought from overseas on Shopee, but for Lazada, all import taxes, etc. are included in the price. If you pay at time of purchase (price + shipping), there are no additional fees or taxes to be paid. All is included. Where have you read that? You really think that all Lazada purchases from outside Thailand (valued at over the B1,500 Customs Dept exemption) are exempt from import duty/VAT? How can a Chinese vendor, for example, accommodate Thai import duty into it's prices and then get any duty that is due paid to Thai Customs?
  10. Having a real bank account, I can manage them separately. What? All Thai banks are as real as any bank anywhere else. What is it that you "can manage separately" that's relevant to my comment above?
  11. "How do you think that they communicate with each other?" Nostrils up the ars_ehole.
  12. Return them to the shop, they weren't his pizzas to eat or give away.
  13. Which trains and restaurants in Thailand permit the smoking of joints in public?
  14. Enforcing their laws is crazy? Maybe Malaysia should repeal all their laws.
  15. Yes, those Thais were so stupid.
  16. Seriously? Energy prices have been rising since last year. You can thank the end of pandemic lock downs, Putin and the Green agenda. Seriously? Electricity charges have not increased. What's your agenda?
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