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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Should have left it in the box, laptops are zero-rated for import duty. That's why you've never been questioned.
  2. If she bought it overseas and was bringing it back into Thailand it is subject to import duty if the value is over B20k, regardless of whether she was using it or not. Using a new purchase doesn't exempt it from duty! That is the reason many people use their new, expensive items bought outside Thailand...to avoid the legitimate import duty by hoping that Customs assume it's not just been bought on that trip!
  3. Only if ordered by a court (assuming that she didn't give it as collateral for the loan).
  4. "...my maid looks better than her..." There always has to be one, doesn't there?!
  5. What's that supposed to mean? What is "assuming that you have a "real" licence from your home country"? This is about Thai driving licences
  6. Should be zero-rated for import duty according to this, 7% VAT on CIF if the package is intercepted. https://www.simplyduty.com/import-calculator/ Believe it may fall into the 5% import duty category, though.
  7. I was checked, they tell me "it's expired", and then I tell them, "yeah I will renew asap, here is 100 for your time to check, thank you" Ok, that's great! Thanks to GrandPapillon for letting us into the RTP's policy on foreigners driving with invalid licences. I don't reckon anyone should rely on it, though.
  8. OK, if say so. I was told 50k @ 2x25s, and more than enough for me a day. We are talking about ATM, I know that we're talking about ATM withdrawals. The daily cash limit is what you set it at regardless of the ATM's dispensing limit, per withdrawal.
  9. I'm with truemove Being a subscriber, or not, is irrelevant! You didn't even bother to click the link he gave you? Jesus... By he way, even if it had been for subscribers only all you would have to do is buy a SIM! https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40001370
  10. That seizure got massive publicity but the "drugs" were not "mysteriously lost". There was no Ketamine to lose, mysteriously, or otherwise. (See "keeping up with what actually happened").
  11. The OP doesn't say that the photo shows the drugs involved in this case. You actually counted them?
  12. Did you look at the Dtac registration link that he gave you?
  13. Anutin stopped with that after he was refused entry to Switzerland. That's what he said, but, so what? Sinopharm is approved and it's likely that Srikcir's family is not planning a Switzerland trip.
  14. No, it is not, BBL is whatever you set it at, it is not limited to B50k per day, mine is still set at B500k per day maximum.
  15. Isn't there enough corruption already, why involve those other four miscreants?
  16. Easy for you to say and then make a simple suggestion that almost guarantees a way to then get shot. Did you read the OP?
  17. "Thailand criminality on the rise?" Definitely not, I haven't been the subject of an armed robbery here in 27 years, you're missus was just very unlucky.
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