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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Show me any kind of literature from either organisation that pertains to airplanes, covid, and co2 levels. I won't hold my breath. Why? I was quoting part of the OP, ask the writer, not me! In that comment I made no mention of anything pertaining to aeroplanes (think the ICAO might be relevant there, though), Covid (think the WHO may be relevant there) or CO2. But, as you asked so nicely and clearly didn't understand my previous sarcasm, here you go, I'm sure that you could find more if you bothered to look... https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/who-advice-for-international-traffic-in-relation-to-the-sars-cov-2-omicron-variant https://www.icao.int/newsroom/pages/icao-council-adopts-new-co2-emissions-standard-for-aircraft.aspx
  2. He was wearing a mask, pulled down probably because he'd just been breath-tested and that cannot be done through a mask!
  3. How come? Vaccinations don't stop you from passing on the virus to others!
  4. Nothing to do with electronics, the airlines just don't want all the passengers using their radios [sic] or phones.
  5. Yeah, that's the the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the World Health Organization for you, completely, and even utterly, stupid.
  6. Plenty of the Punishers available in Thailand, Lazada's got them for one example.
  7. There's an easy answer to that, get some small denomination notes from the ATM, you don't have to withdraw multiples of B1,000. I always withdraw Bx,900.
  8. It would appear that your theory was formulated through a very narrow lense. No, my theory was formulated from satirical cynicism. Don't take it so seriously!
  9. I didn't say that I "knew that" - I said that they "appeared not to be interested". It is an impression, widely held on this forum, largely created by their constant obfuscation and unwillingness to actually do something about the case. A case which would have been dealt with and closed within months were it not for the extreme wealth of the - let us be charitable - prime suspect! Of course, if you know otherwise fine, share that with us, if not I suppose that yet again, you are using these discussions in an attempt to pick a fight over semantics. "Of course, if you know otherwise fine, share that with us" Why don't you share with us what the RTP could do if they did know where, outside Thailand, he is at any given time? You seem to be under the impression that his family's wealth is what prevents the RTP from storming into whatever country he is in and arresting him when it is actually the limits of their jurisdiction that does that! If he was a peasant without a penny to his name the RTP still could not arrest him anywhere except Thailand. "you are using these discussions in an attempt to pick a fight over semantics". Making reasoned, accurate points about his whereabouts and the RTP's ability to do anything about it is not "picking a fight over semantics" . If you think my comments are semanticism perhaps you could give an example of a such a comment of mine in the context of this thread?
  10. Because then they could say "We have investigated unconfirmed reports that he has been spotted in Dubai, but after intensive investigations, we have not been able to confirm that he was in Dubai at the stated time" Or something similar! And how would that help the RTP to get him back to Thailand? What if it is confirmed that he is in Dubai, do you think the Thai police have any jurisdiction in Dubai?
  11. I think they have made that abundantly clear. Can you make it abundantly clear what you mean by that? He is not in Thailand and he is not wanted by any other country so what exactly can the RTP do to demonstrate their interest in getting him back? They requested Interpol to issue a Red Notice for him, what else can they do when they have no jurisdiction anywhere except Thailand?
  12. it IS LAW to wear a crash helmet when driving/riding a motorbike !!! I'm well aware of that, I did not say that there isn't a helmet law. Try reading the context of my comments in response to other posters!
  13. There is no such thing as an "extradition order", extraditions applications are requests and they are usually only entertained by countries that have extradition treaties with, in this case, Thailand.
  14. "..who else would stand up for these thieves". The 90%+ of policy holders whose claims are settled would stand up for them. Those who brand insurance companies, in general, as "thieves" without providing anything empirical to back their doubtful claims have no credibility whatsoever.
  15. sure, they just put the premium up next year to cover it. Never see insurance companies go out of business No, insurance companies do not just increase premiums by the amount of the paid claim to cover their exposure. "Never see insurance companies go out of business" 55555! For starters... General insurer defaults Company Date AA Mutual International Insurance Services Ltd 01/05/2007 Alpha Insurance A/S 11/05/2018 Andrew Weir Insurance Company Ltd 12/11/1992 Anglo American Insurance Company Ltd 10/03/1997 BAI Ltd (Builders Accident) 30/07/1998 Balva AAS Insurance 04/07/2014 Bermuda Fire and Marine Insurance Company Ltd 16/12/1994 Black Sea and Baltic General Insurance Company Ltd 24/08/1998 Bryanston Insurance Company Ltd 23/03/1992 Chester Street Insurance Holdings Ltd 09/01/2001 Continental Assurance Company of London plc 27/03/1992 Cotton Trades N/A Drake Insurance plc 11/05/2000 English and American Insurance Company Ltd 19/03/1993 Enterprise Insurance Company PLC 28/07/2016 Eurolife Assurance (International)Ltd 24/04/2009 European Risk Insurance Company hf. 28/04/2014 Gable Insurance AG 22/11/2016 Highlands Insurance Company (UK) Ltd 01/11/2007 HIH Casualty and General Insurance Company Ltd 16/03/2001 Horizon Insurance Company Ltd 19/12/2018 Independent Insurance Company Ltd 18/06/2001 KWELM Group of Companies 17/11/1993 Lemma Europe Insurance Company Limited 05/10/2012 Marina Mutual Insurance Association Ltd 14/11/1997 Millburn Insurance Company Ltd 11/12/2013 Municipal General Insurance Ltd 09/03/1994 North Atlantic Insurance Company Ltd 06/03/1997 OIC Run Off Ltd / London and Overseas 21/10/1994 Pacific and General Insurance Company Ltd 15/11/1985 Paramount Insurance Company Ltd 24/06/1996 Qudos Insurance A/S 20/12/2018 Scan Re Insurance Company Ltd 10/03/1994 Sovereign Marine and General Insurance Company Ltd 11/07/1997 The Aldgate Insurance Company Ltd 12/11/2009 The Exchange Insurance Company Ltd 06/10/2010 Trinity Insurance Company Ltd 23/03/1992 UIC Insurance Company Ltd 12/08/1996 AIG, Conseco, Executive Life, List of major bankruptcies of insurance companies in USA Life Assurance Defaults Company Date Oaklife Assurance Company Ltd 14/09/1993 Underwriters National Assurance Company 12/09/1980 Wind-up date Date ofcreation Company Class of business Headquarters March 2017 1954 Penn Treaty Network America Insurance Company and its subsidiaries among which American Network Insurance Company Life Pennsylvania December 2016 1964 American Medical and Life Insurance Company Health, life and accident New York February 2015 2012 CoOportunity Health Life and health Iowa January 2015 2008 SeeChange Health Insurance Company Health California August 2013 - Executive Life Insurance Company of New York Life New York May 2013 1912 Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company Health Illinois April 2013 2006 Universal Health Care Insurance Company, Inc. Accident and Health Florida July 2012 1934 Standard Life Insurance Company of Indiana Life Indiana January 2011 1925 Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company Life, accident and health California November 2010 1964 National States Insurance Company Accident and health Missouri May 2010 1923 Booker T. Washington Insurance Company Life, accident and health Alabama June 2006 1996 Southern Family Insurance Company Non life Florida July 2003 - Legion Insurance Company Non life, health Philadelphia February 2002 - PHICO Insurance Company Health, workmen's compensation Harrisburg October 2001 1817 Reliance Insurance Company Life and non life Philadelphia July 2003 1978 Fremont Indemnity Insurance Company Health, workmen's compensation Los Angeles, California September 2000 1914 California Compensation Insurance Company Non life San Francisco February 1987 1985 Mission Insurance Company Non life San Francisco March 1989 - American Mutual Liability Insurance Company Non life Framingham August 1986 - Midland Insurance Company Non life New York December 1985 - Transit Casualty Insurance Company Non life Jefferson City
  16. same the world over.. license to steal no more than thieves... ...yet 90% of claims are paid out by the insurers the world over. Odd that, isn't it, for a bunch of "thieves"?
  17. "Will you give me some more money again, please?" "Yes, of course, how much?" "Will you buy me a car/motorbike?" "Yes, which one would you like?" "Will you build a house for me, please?" "Yes, of course, how many bedrooms and bathrooms?". That's no scam.
  18. If any of those men reported their voluntarily giving money and property to their girlfriends to the police you wouldn't have to wait any longer. There is a reason that the foreigners can't report those circumstances, they gave them of their own free will, there was no fraud and nothing was stolen from them.
  19. It doesn't take any special skill to spot him but the reason The RTP don't do that, or react to reports of that nature, is that they have no jurisdiction outside Thailand. You don't think that the RTP can march in to a country where Vorayuth is not wanted and arrest him, do you?
  20. Interpol have also commented previously that not all Notices are shown on the public website. They don't need to be as no police forces get their data from a public website!
  21. It's as popular here as constant, unjustified Thai-bashing and it's almost always by people who have not had any bad interaction with insurance companies (i.e it's urban myth) or people who have had dodgy claims denied. They don't realise that, on average, over 90% of motor claims are settled by insurers in favour of the policy holders.
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