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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. He has not been found guilty of any killings yet, he was on bail in order to prepare his defence to the first charges, so he has not "done any jail time and subsequently been allowed to roam the streets again".
  2. Only after they're been convicted, though, and, so far, this one hasn't been.
  3. 3 cheers for the Thai "Justice System", hip hip hooray! Bail can, in certain circumstances, be granted to those charged with murder in the UK, US and European countries also! "Hip! Hip! Hooray!" for their justice systems also!
  4. No, there are other countries in which the same thing could have happened also.
  5. Quite right. Who would pass on an agent's details to a complete stranger on an anonymous forum? No agent would want that, either. Having said that, all the OP asked was "are there any good prices here" and the answer to that is, "yes, there are". Google would probably help the OP to locate agents whose charges he could compare. .
  6. Why doesn't she use the statement or passbook entry that her ex-bank provided her at the time that she, surely, would not have disposed of so irrationally?
  7. I didn't say that you edited it, it was revised in your reply to me...wake up!
  8. Which is done by a court and can take quite some time; in the OP it's mentioned that the debt was presented was during funeral preparations, which is the base for my reply.. That debt would have to part of the probate process, the family does not have to accept responsibility for it. How could they be liable if there were no assets left to them? Presenting a debt repayment demand at a funeral does not mean that the legal aspect is dispensed with.
  9. I'll try and make posts simpler for you so you can follow, everyone else knew easy enough Much appreciated. What makes you think that "everyone else knew"? Perhaps they are just as, apparently, ill-informed as you and were assuming that you meant what you posted initially before you had to correct it!
  10. Totally irrelevant as usual, we are talking about falang here, you know, the op is a falang not thai As equally relevant as your claim that "99% of people don't get loans we are in Thailand". Maybe you should have said "99% of foreigners in Thailand don't get loans".
  11. Debts are paid off after probate is granted and before any remaining assets are passed on as inheritances. Heirs to an estate are not obliged to pay off debts incurred by the deceased from their inheritances after the estate has been distributed.
  12. Debts are not inherited by heirs, they are paid off from the estate of the deceased prior to the distribution of any remaining assets by way of inheritances. If there is no estate, no assets, sole borrowings of the deceased do not pass as debt to the family.
  13. and they couldn't explain without increasing dramatically prices, instead of facing "rejection" or "question", they saved face and did a runner ???? There's always some posters chucking in their unjustified speculation!
  14. Please explain per se, is it French, Italian or what? I think it's Latino for "pretentious"!
  15. It's finance you were offered by a dealer, not a loan per se, as in bank. Car finance is a loan...per se [sic]. The bank pays the loan amount to the dealer and the debtor repays his loan to the bank/finance company by monthly payments.
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