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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. That's not accurate, according to the 2020 stats there were 360,000 active duty members of the Thai armed forces and 200,000 reserves. In 2018 there were 60,000 slots for conscripts, 77,000 in 2017 so the majority are not unwilling conscripts.
  2. Only the subs, his government didn't buy the fake bomb detectors.
  3. "...there has to be a Sunday question of import". Good idea, could you come up with one for a change, then?
  4. The bank letter is not the same as 12 months' bank statements
  5. I think it must depend on the agent. Several years ago I used an agent in Hua Hin and had to open a KTB account even though I had an existing account at BBL.
  6. What a terrible inconvenience when you only have twelve months to prepare for that, eh?
  7. Completely false, you can use any Thai bank
  8. In the northern hemisphere, the south-facing part of a house is usually considered to get the most sun.
  9. I thought that it always rose in the east and tracked to set in the west? It does over my house, all year. What other tracks do you see it following?
  10. Let's not be dense. Of course bicycles without motor are not illegal. Yes, let's not be "dense" (your word), nor resort to a personal attack or insult, you said that the Act states "No person shall use an unregistered vehicle.". My ever-so-slightly-tongue-in-cheek comment pointed out that a bicycle is a type of vehicle so your claim was false, bicycles can be used legally without registration.
  11. "just puzzled why they say he was a father". Drawing empathy, emphasising the heinousness of the crime leaving children without their father. It's obvious why. "I'd be equally puzzled if they said "A Sydney man who wasn't a father..." Well, obviously. His not being a father would be completely irrelevant to the depiction of the crime if that had been the situation.
  12. Maybe you "should get the facts right and stay out of it" , the land the OP referred to is not all private land.
  13. No, they were members of an illegal logging gang and just claimed to picking mushrooms with with axes, machetes and chainsaws but they were released after a comparatively brief incarceration.
  14. Perhaps you have to go to the (traffic) police.
  15. So he has had the Monkeypox since October and it was only caught now, are you for real with this view? I can not find any indication that the virus can lay dormant in ones body. "I can not find any indication that the virus can lay dormant in ones body". You didn't find any indication that it can't, either, correct?
  16. Empathy extraction. Heinousness emphasis. Standard journalistic phraseology. Take your pick. Why does it bother you so much?
  17. Does he post fewer "constructive comments" than you do? Do you decide what comments are "constructive" on this forum?
  18. "Just wondering why are there so many haters here" It's in the forum rules, isn't it?
  19. He has been in Thailand since October, are you saying he was an asymptomatic carrier since then....wow now that's an incubation period I'm saying that maybe he had it when he arrived here. Are you saying that's not possible?
  20. He went to a hospital to be checked. I know that because I read the OP.
  21. Where is that someone ? Nigeria?
  22. Next question is how do you know that he was infected by someone in Thailand? Maybe he brought it with him.
  23. Yes, he must have, perhaps from from an infected person in Nigeria, or wherever he was previously.
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