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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...might as well have a sprint or something...." Why would going for a run be a substitute for having a beer?
  2. You're right, Lazada (in this case) are just covering their a_rse in case there are delays beyond their control. It's one of the downsides of online purchasing and it is not anything new, uncommon or a big secret.
  3. When has there ever been 100% humidity in Thailand?
  4. Someone would have to buy it first! These places always have an owner, they're not available for anyone to take over free of charge.
  5. Wouldn't those people have a receipt showing that the passport was held at Immigration?
  6. "...gf received a call from the showroom that sold us our ( her ) car a year ago. Stating they would come to our house to do a “quick service check“ on the car..." Yeah, right, of course they did. Since when do car dealers make cold calls and then send two techs to do off-premises "service checks" (what?), free of charge, on a car they sold over a year ago? What would be in it for them?
  7. That is probably a reference to international travel and the passport's status would obviously be on computer systems.
  8. Why would anyone read, never mind give credibility to, anything that the rag-of-all-rags, The Sun, prints, particularly a story that the paper pays for?
  9. This could have all been avoidable if people wasn't drinking until ******* three o'clock in the morning Why did you quote my post with your ******* comment ?
  10. The drinking wasn't the ******* problem, it was the ******* racket they were creating that was the problem.
  11. Odd how you think that your wild speculation "only makes sense", whereas you think the actual report doesn't!
  12. It doesn't read that way because that's not what was reported in Thai Rath. Thai Rath reported in Thai, you quoted a (known to be ridiculously inaccurate) Google translation.
  13. There's no indication in the report that even one of those pictured was "claiming credit for the arrest".
  14. Er, yes they do. Thanks, I stand corrected, if that is true. Are you saying that the speeds of all vehicles that pass under the gantries (that indicate speed limits) are also displayed, in real time, that can be seen by the driver as the car approaches the gantry? Are there multiple displays utilised as multiple vehicles pass, indicating which recorded speed applies to which vehicle?
  15. Looks like you have a great case, then, take it to court. "my speedo and sat nav, and cruise control set 118kms ph are never the same as the speed shown on there overhead gantry speeds". What? The gantries show speed limits, they don't show the speed of your vehicle as it passes!
  16. Why would you dispute their accuracy, on what basis? What speed do you reckon that you were doing? If you're so sure, though, what problem do you have with contacting the police, telling them that (based on nothing whatsoever) the equipment is probably faulty, you dispute the ticket and want take it to court? Just pay the insignificant fine that you're obligated to pay or let us know how your case goes in court.
  17. Why would you even consider not paying a tiny fine that you incurred? Do you consider yourself above the law or are you just a bit hard up?
  18. Buy the made-in-Malaysia items from Thai suppliers, they are imported with reduced tariffs with the intention of reducing the prices in the country of import. Asean FTA agreements do not mean that privately purchased/imported items are free of import duty to the individual consumer. http://www.customs.go.th/list_strc_simple_neted.php?ini_content=individual_160503_03_160922_01&lang=en&left_menu=menu_individual_submenu_01_160421_02#individual_160426_04
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