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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. They did take action, they used their permitted discretion to give him a warning, advised him to get the required licence and told him he'd be fined next time if he didn't.
  2. Children are precious in Thailand also. Which country are you from?
  3. Click on the link I posted , look and you will find , but I think you do not want to know the facts , just want to be negative , not going to waste my time with you anymore . "...not going to waste my time with you anymore". Excellent, suits me fine, put me on your ignore list if you want to really upset me! I'm only interested in responses to my very specific questions, not general assertions about worldwide fake oil that I suspect the link would contain.
  4. "Cursed be"? What century doth you live in?!
  5. That usually just means that the machine is out of cash, nothing to do with "IT reliability".
  6. The attached link may be of interest . https://www.wired.co.uk/article/honey-fraud-detection Only if it relates to my very specific question relating to big name brands' alleged fraudulent behaviour in Thailand. My guess is that it doesn't.
  7. The length of the wire does not affect the voltage through it!
  8. A relay is just a switch, it doesn't "clean" electrical power.
  9. 12 volt yes but modern car have some new electronic trick on circuit I not know about mg truck lights but many car has electronic control of light circuit Many car has electronic control of [the 12 volt] light circuit!
  10. No, it's not illegal. There are no laws in Thailand prohibiting any type of tint. There were going to be, a few years ago. but the plan was abandoned.
  11. How? Easy. Tint is designed to allow occupants to see out while restricting vision and light/heat into the vehicle!
  12. Yes, did you never do anything stupid when you were young Not many people do things quite as ridiculously stupid as this Australian did!
  13. Shut down and re-start. The tech answer to everything!
  14. Just do your own Google search on both olive oil and honey fakes Do your own research on the specifics of my comment!
  15. Sixty-five staff and twelve customers, seemingly, from the photo.
  16. You want it to still be a thing?!
  17. Why would you think that, do you believe everything the cops say/think here. No, I don't, necessarily, believe everything that the police say, neither do I, automatically, discredit everything they say, that would not be rational. Why would you disbelieve the article when all the police were reported as saying was that they weren't sure of her story and they were still investigating? Seems reasonable to me.
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