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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "Several Thai banks" have recently been subject to cyber crimes that has "cost them millions"? Really? Have you an example or two of those "several" [sic] cases?
  2. Opening that app must take all of 3 seconds. Does anyone with a 'smart' phone, who knows that they're going to use an app, ever go around not connected to the internet via their mobile data? No one needs to log in to the shop's internet.
  3. You need to learn to move with the times, so are phones!
  4. Are you always so romantic? I have a tendency to be a lot less romantic than I was on that occasion, she got me on a good day.
  5. "How did you meet your wife? First words?" First words? " 'ck off, fatty".
  6. No, they do not "have the right to play with" customers; accounts, they do have the right to correct incorrect transactions, though, and that you choose to call it "playing with" is your problem. They did notify you of the debit, it was on your statement.
  7. You're suggesting that those people don't have money in Thai banks?
  8. Doesn't matter whether you do agree with his complaint, if a bank's systems wrongly credit a customer's account with funds not intended for that account it has every right to reverse the error, it does not need the account holder's permission.
  9. That's nonsense, no one has "withdrawal rights" to a third party bank account, only authorised signatories can do that. However, a bank does have the right to reverse an incorrect credit that it was responsible for.
  10. You are absolutely correct in your reaction to what happened. No, he's absolutely wrong, it wasn't his money; the bank took it back as it is entitled to do, he is not out of pocket and his employer knows what happened. The bank's description of the recall transaction on his statement is insignificant.
  11. You seem to be suggesting that to deposit funds in a third party's Bangkok Bank account an authority is required, that is not he case.
  12. The bank did not freeze your account, at least you didn't say that they did in your OP. The banks do not need a "police order" [sic] to reverse an incorrect double credit to your account that was never your money, neither do they have have your authority to do so. You are making a big issue out of this perfectly legal transaction. Kasikorn would do exactly the same.
  13. I did call my work if it will make you feel better to know So what's your issue? A payment was erroneously credited to your account twice and the bank recalled one of them, of course the bank can do that. What were you going to do if the bank had not reversed the wrong credit that was not your money?
  14. Courier companies. Best to ask them what their charge would be as no one here will know that but there will be 7% VAT on the assessed value. There may also be import duty if desktops are not exempt, as laptops are.
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