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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Not necessarily. Depends on whether the bar has the facilities to prepare the food, i.e. a proper kitchen...and a restaurant licence!
  2. Not true. That did not work for many bar owners. The police examine the license which determines whether the establishment is a bar or restaurant. Places without a restaurant license were raided and closed Many places that have restaurant licences but couldn't actually prepare food as a restaurant have been barred from using those illegitimate licences also.
  3. They are not saying that is how long it will take! It just gives them a little more time before people start bothering them in the case of delays beyond their control. My last experience was that it took less than 3 weeks.
  4. You're right. And they're just covering their asses (excuse the horrible Americanism but the correct English word can't get past the censors here) in case of delays.
  5. Thankfully, the world is nowhere near the stage that a Facebook account is a "necessity".
  6. Because, from their website... #DTAC cares about the fight against COVID-19 "DTAC expresses concern and willing to be a part in helping to lighten the mission of the national agenda" Nothing sinister, they're just being helpful!
  7. u want custard with that? No, I'm having it straight.
  8. Just testing you, you're right...this time! Preparing my dessert right now!
  9. With or without sauce? Doesn't matter as I won't have to eat any!
  10. the one u said nonsense to my nonsense, thought that was obvious Didn't think you'd be able to back it up!
  11. I know it was generalisation, a typical, unwarranted, Thai-bashing, false generalisation. That was my point and that's why I asked you to be specific. Unless you can be specific, why would you make such a false assertion? I'm ready to eat humble pie if I'm wrong.
  12. But at least they're (hopefully) mostly your germs on your phone They will be only if you can be sure that you never pick up other people's germs from everything else that you touch and that you inhale, and then spit out onto your phone!
  13. nonsense.thats opinion only???? OK, specify which comment of mine is the one that you're referring to that you claim is nonsense.
  14. nonsense My "nonsense" was accurate, though, yours wasn't!
  15. He was making it up, no hotels insist on that, it was just the usual lame attempt at Thai-bashing.
  16. Good grief, what an imposition it is to show your ID and provide a phone number, just as the Thais have to do.
  17. Which hotels insist on taking you passport and "keeping it for a day", not just photocopying it?
  18. Almost certainly. Not mentioned anywhere so just as almost certainly not.
  19. That's not correct, topping up registered BTS cards does not require a passport and phone number.
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