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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why would you think that, do you believe everything the cops say/think here. No, I don't, necessarily, believe everything that the police say, neither do I, automatically, discredit everything they say, that would not be rational. Why would you disbelieve the article when all the police were reported as saying was that they weren't sure of her story and they were still investigating? Seems reasonable to me.
  2. Nice bit of back-peddling there. No back pedalling at all (and definitely no "back-peddling" [sic], whatever that is), I was just explaining to that poster how my quoting part of his post works on this forum. What I commented to him originally was a 100% accurate observation.
  3. It was, very clearly, mentioned... "The man responsible was Attaphol, 30, who was supposed to be in charge of the care of the novices, a "phra phee liang". He was in tears and was taken away with the abbot to be defrocked ahead of his prosecution".
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ceciliarodriguez/2016/02/10/the-olive-oil-scam-if-80-is-fake-why-do-you-keep-buying-it/?sh=42b34392639d Thanks for that years-old link that does not actually empirically confirm anything so, as I asked, where has that been confirmed regarding the big label brands' olive oil in Thailand?
  5. But I am sure I can go back to "my" Foodland branch anytime and give it back to them and get a refund. I am pretty sure they wouldn't sell any fake items intentionally. Of course, but my point was that the chances of Foodland knowingly selling fake olive oil is next to nil and the chance of the OP making a false claim against the "big names" was pretty high.
  6. The point was different airlines, different approach. But why not truncate the post and go off at a tangent. Why not comment on what I actually did? I did not "truncate" your post, altering the context, I simply quoted the part that was relevant to my comment and my comment was an accurate observation of your remark. There could not be a tangential element to my comment when I was directly responding to your specific point.
  7. Thank you for such an insightful retort. My post was referring to the OP and the words that was used. So where did it mention "[wrongly]" since you have it in quotations? So, why use a word that wasn't used? The word "wrongly" was not in inverted commas in my comment, it was in square brackets, []. They are used to indicate a word that was not originally written, they are not "quotations" [sic].
  8. Their vehicle insurance companies. But where was it reported that Thais were "strafed" by the Myanmar plane?
  9. Aaaah, so as usual you think that you know than the majority of the world's top renowned scientists in infectious diseases. Wrong yet again; "think" followed a muck cart and thought it was a wedding. I always wore a mask, until recently, yet I contracted Covid a couple of months ago, as have millions of other mask wearers.
  10. How was this a spin? I answered a remark to fully explain a my original post (for the hard of understanding) and you see this as a spin? What a shame that you didn't understand that. Once again, you are posting before thinking, which seems to be a common trait of yours. "Once again, you are posting before thinking, which seems to be a common trait of yours". That's just your opinion. I gave a lot of thought to my comment, as I do to all of them and that you deem "not thinking before posting" to be a "common trait" of mine is simply confirmation of your inability to know anything about me or my thought process.
  11. Nice re spin of your first comment lol Failed spin of his original comment!
  12. That assumes that wearing masks prevents the transmission of Covid, which, clearly, is not the case.
  13. Before the lifting of the mask mandate a few days ago, I'd guess!
  14. "...the first paragraph says "must"..." That is not correct. The first paragraph does not state that "masks must be worn", it states that "some reports said [wrongly] that masks must be worn". To quote you, "words have specific meanings", so does the way they are used.
  15. No, no, the problem is not solved, the OP stated that even "big name brands" in Thailand are selling fake oil, so that must be true! Big name Foodland making the problem worse...shame on them!
  16. Really? Where has that been confirmed with the big label brands' olive oil in Thailand?
  17. Any paint shop, anywhere, could do a job that simple, even NC paint shops! Has her car got the UK Union Jack taillights?
  18. I can't imagine anything much less "risky" than a customer going into their bank and getting a new ATM card, that's all he needs.
  19. I would, just to seagull them from the balcony.
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