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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Professional deformation of a former policeman As a former police officer, what was your "professional deformation" [sic]?
  2. But confirmed by many people in the village who knew about the affair!!! Asserted by some who claimed that they knew about it. The wife denies it. Why accept their word for it but not the wife's?
  3. Sadder still the mother of victim states the exact opposite Even sadder that you, with no evidence, believes her mother, not her.
  4. Never seen a 100k Thai Baht note. I am the 20Baht note farang. Good for you. I wasn't suggesting that there are B100,000 notes.
  5. overly dramatic, you mean SEARCH "...you mean SEARCH". Overly dramatic, you mean "search"? "Raid" suggests unannounced or taken by surprise, in order to prevent evidence being hidden or removed. "Search" suggests examining the premises with the co-operation of those involved. This was a raid.
  6. "...a little hyperbolic. Do you understand how power grids work?" Do you understand how hyperbole works? That's rhetorical, obviously you don't. There sure wasn't any hyperbole in the OP (it was more like understatement), neither did he suggest that the power plant was the direct charging source for the car.
  7. Creditworthy customers who pay off their balances monthly, or as required, do not get penalised or have existing cards cancelled because of their age.
  8. this is called debit card, not credit card. No, they are called secured credit cards. Debit cards take funds for purchases directly from your account, secured credit cards do not.
  9. Age doesn't necessarily come into it where secured credit cards are concerned. Most credit cards are unsecured.
  10. What does that mean? Was that sarcasm or are you really saying that no elderly people have assets or an estate that could repay credit card debts?
  11. The bank's risk is only as much as they're prepared for it to be, they decide the credit limit! If a deceased card holder has an estate, not unlikely for a credit card holder, the card issuing company can apply for repayment through the executor following probate.
  12. Their exposure to risk is up to them, the card issuers decide on the credit limit! Credit card companies do not "go after the families" of deceased card holders.
  13. May be it's easier to deport someone for breaking immigration laws than it is to deport someone for drug violations. Just a guess. He was arrested for drugs offences by Immigration Police (who are part of the RTP), the passport issue was secondary. IB would have no problem deporting someone convicted of drug dealing.
  14. No restrictions, no tests, not even to access the extensive library, cinema or double olympic-sized pool. There is an automatic disinfectant sprayer that has to be walked under, though.
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