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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. They just don't have stock yet, that's all, as that website link clearly says! It was stated in the OP... "the organization today signed a contract to buy the 3.5 million ATKs from a supplier and the products would be delivered by 1 million kits a week". The kits don't magically appear instantly at a contract signing, they have to be delivered!
  2. 304 days without incident during a lockdown on an aircraft carrier the size of a small city doesn't prove to you... No, ir doesn't, where's the evidence for that? It wasn't in your link. Every ship in your link had Covid infections! Regardless of that atypical situation that does not apply to the general population, you've obviously got no evidence to back up your claim when relating to normal lockdowns in cities, states, countries, etc., that are not of the nautical type. That is what lockdowns refer to in the real world.
  3. He won't have Euros, UOB will only pay him cash in THB. Amounts over USD20,000 equivalent can be taken out, they just have to be declared on exit.
  4. He probably doesn't have a work permit as some banks require to export funds, BBL, for example, and then it's only salary that can be sent. Transferring internationally (SWIFT) from a Thai bank online isn't as easy as you make out unless you have been specifically provided with that facility.
  5. B50,000 in THB cash per person can be taken out of Thailand, more in some cases to countries bordering Thailand. Any amount of foreign currency can be taken out but amounts over USD20,000, or equivalent have to be declared to Customs on exit.
  6. I imagine it was pretty much public knowledge that he had a drug conviction in Australia, and I would think members of parliament would be scrutinised for convictions other than just for Thailand. Even after it was made public re his Australian conviction nothing was done. Can you imagine that happening in the UK, US or Australia? "I would think members of parliament would be scrutinised for convictions other than just for Thailand". I would think not, how could they? Background checks always relate to the subject's own country. How can one country poke around in the data held in other countries, do you think that they're going to be requesting (personal, confidential) criminal record checks from every one of the worlds 195 countries? "Even after it was made public re his Australian conviction nothing was done..." Nothing was done because he has no criminal record in Thailand. That's the law. "The [Constitutional] court said it did not recognise Mr Thammanat's conviction because the verdict was delivered in Australia, a foreign country. "The verdict of any state only has effect in that state," the court said. Therefore, Mr Thammanat "is not prohibited from holding office" under Thailand's constitution, the court said". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57001674
  7. Funny you should ask that. This is Data from the US Navy. It shows how locking down a ship, in some case like the USS Nimitz that went 304 days withoit an infection entering the ship, exiting the ship or anyone catching the virus so proving I am correct that a pure lockdown can stop the virus when you keep people in or out. But alsas you will disaggree because thats your nature. Yoi just cant accept facts. 5555555! Perhaps you should have mentioned that you were talking about an alleged, extremely parochial lockdown on a ship or perhaps that's the only evidence, from one ship, that you can find! When lockdowns are discussed they usually refer to lockdowns of cities or countries, not one ship. How many of any population live on a ship? Have you nothing that proves that locking down cities, states or countries works for the normal population, as you claim?! It may be an idea to actually read your posted links before crowing about them! That Wiki info confirmed that every ship mentioned had Covid infections and contained no mention at all of any "naval lockdown", never mind a successful one! Here's what it actually said... "The COVID-19 pandemic spread to many military ships. The nature of these ships, which includes working with others in small enclosed areas and a lack of private quarters for the vast majority of crew, contributed to the rapid spread of the disease, even more so than on cruise ships.[1][2] Due to the nature of operations security, national militaries may have policies in place that prevent or restrict reporting of SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 deaths. The coronavirus pandemic was reported to have spread to the American aircraft carrier USS Nimitz when its first case was reported on 7 April 2020". "I am correct that a pure lockdown can stop the virus when you keep people in or out. But alsas you will disaggree because thats your nature. Yoi just cant accept facts". Unfortunately, your link did not prove that you were correct, just the opposite, in fact, so, yes, I will disagree because you didn't show any substantiated facts, whatsoever.
  8. The Thai politician you're referring to didn't have a police record in Thailand which is where background checks on a Thai would, obviously, be made so there was nothing to be ignored! If the Thai guard in the OP had convictions only in Australia his background check would come up clear also!
  9. Let's hope so, it's a public park, not a canine convenience.
  10. Odd priorities for someone who need to contact, and get an appointment at, the embassy as soon as possible!
  11. Why not phone them using their published contact number?! 02 305 8333.
  12. They were proven to slow the spread down. Where, specifically? Which empirical data supports your claim?
  13. Deaths and infections occurred during every lockdown, they were proven to be spectacularly ineffective.
  14. You mean the minister (and his family) who were pictured, legally, at a "do" in his own home?
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