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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. The law (Act) in conjunction with the JP; why should it be any different from the current 49% maximum decision?
  2. Why ignore the much more real possibility that they are completely innocent people who are just victims of very skilled, well-practiced fraudsters? If they do have those skeletons, they're not likely to be reporting it to the police, as the farmer in the OP did, are they? These fraudsters do not specifically target anyone, they just make lots of phone calls to lots of people until, by chance, they hit on those who have a bit of money (any amount will do, they're not fussy) and are, unfortunately, gullible enough to fall for the scam.
  3. No, it is not a difficult process. Call them (and hold until your turn comes around), they'll ask you straightforward questions (have your NI number ready) and then send you a very lengthy form with which to apply. Complete it properly, send it back and they'll write to you to confirm your pension details - amount, frequency of payment and initial payment.
  4. Information stated in the story further down. He was apprehended by police .... I know, that is what I posted!
  5. Obviously it's fun to ask all those "wannabe doctors" here or on Facebook/Google.?😂 The potentially dangerous thing is, though, that some posters would actually take the unqualified advice that most of the "docs" just got from Google.
  6. Exactly, there are no qualified doctors commenting here and, even if there were, the only advice that they should give (in the context of the OP) should be to see a doctor in person.
  7. They all sounded like that in the '50s television adverts.
  8. It could determine whether he, perhaps, had a heart attack whilst struggling against the tide or had any other condition that may have contributed to, or caused, his death or whether they simply drowned. A "red flag violation" is not a cause of death.
  9. I'm surprised that there would be anyone stupid enough to enlist who needed to be taught how to swim.
  10. It wouldn't save the lives of those who ignore obvious danger signs!
  11. You think that the idiots who ignore the red flags aren't likely to ignore that sort of sign also?
  12. There may be something to post about if you waited until after you've seen the quack, surely?
  13. To read that you have to click on the link to The Phucket Express , I don't like doing that , So why bother speculating on the outcome, then, if you don't want to bother reading the article?
  14. No mention of lightning, just that lighting at the location was not good but a light on his bike, or not, had nothing to do with his death which was caused by the Pajero running over him, the driver of which saw him but couldn't avoid him.
  15. "Police seized 70 motorbikes from the shop and seized eight bank books with more than eight million baht in money generated from what police say were illegal transactions in those bank accounts. Police also seized 1,095,000-baht in cash from Mr. Mattio".
  16. His profits were obviously much more than EUR800 as this was not a one-off deal, it had financed his 70-bike rental business which were seized along with more than eight million baht in money generated from what police say were illegal transactions
  17. He said that he worked with the Immigration police and, as the IB confirmed it publicly, for his own well-being it is not very likely that he was involved in setting up criminals.
  18. Isn't that how most businesses operate? Foreigner outs up the money, business in a Thai name? Well that's how the illegal businesses such as this Eyetie's, operate, in which the foreigner operates the business and the nominee Thai has nothing to do with the running of it.
  19. "What's your favourite beer for the home?" Davenport's!
  20. "Step 3. IMEI Tracking Apps and Software: There are various third-party applications and software available that claim to track stolen phones using IMEI numbers. While some of these apps may be helpful, exercise caution while choosing them, as some might be scams or ineffective".
  21. Obviously it is an unidentified flying object, not a possible unidentified flying object because you don't know what it is flying around. Bird. Drone. Perspective.
  22. It was reported in this thread that he was apprehended by the police.
  23. Why should the UK have to suffer that German attacker being made to stay in the UK?
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