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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Which one do you do first? Doesn't matter, the house one counts for bugger all in real life.
  2. I get the feeling that we all may have fallen for a wind-up.
  3. Ok The girlfriend said we have the wedding at her house, but I will tell her for the visa we will do it at the district office. Is it expensive? Do they do catering etc? The house wedding isn't a real "wedding", it's a cultural ritual, actual official weddings are performed at the amphur (registry office, if you like) and, no, they do not do catering.
  4. Kob kun khrap. Nothing to do with black police officers' transport.
  5. "Spy tee car" "Cop Coon Car" Your OP clearly suggests that you're a man so why are you demonstrating your "knowledge" of Thai by speaking as a female would?
  6. If you go the marriage route, make sure that you get married at a local district office (amphur), not just the temple!
  7. Spy tee car Q.E.D. Any other gems that show your command of the Thai language?
  8. You need to do a lot of reading. Also check out "Marriage and Divorce" forum. He needs to do a lot of reading.
  9. I wonder how the usual AN suspects, who spend so much of their time here comprehensively slagging-off the corrupt RTP as a whole, would be reacting if it had turned out that the officer who died in the accident, of whom they know nothing, was, in fact, one of the most corrupt and abusive in the force? I'm not saying that he was but I am suggesting that there's a massive amount of hypocrisy swilling around this subject from those, er, hypocrites.
  10. Go fetch. Didn't think that you'd have much...I was right.
  11. Indeed, the mind does boggle. There's no reason for any foreign businessmen to have any problem with a country in which suing for slander (which is what this suit is about) is permitted, something that their own countries undoubtedly also allow.
  12. Since when do all married men wear rings? Regardless, the part of the finger on which a wedding ring would be is not visible in that photo.
  13. Hmm. "By agreement with the family of the officer". You think they had any real choice in the matter? I'm sure that they could have asked for more but I'm not sure that the family of an officer who was not married with dependents would have got more.
  14. Yet you voluntarily placed yourself here and made yourself subject to them?
  15. "Pretty stupid to let this happen." Pretty stupid to slander Chalerm!
  16. Only one charge remaining - the statute of limitations on the other charges has already been allowed to run its course. "Only one charge remaining..." Exactly what I said, there's only one charge.
  17. Three million, by agreement with the family of the officer.
  18. Who is "the murderer" in that family? You cannot be referring to someone who has not even been charged with murder, never mind convicted, surely?
  19. They do not have to prove anything, those making the accusations are the ones who have to present proof. "...and abetting a criminal evade capture and charges for murder". He is not yet a criminal, he has not even appeared in court yet and no one was "murdered".
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