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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. Are you sure you're not getting confused between Pakkard and Ban Laem? I'm sure I was dropped at the border and didn't pass any market on the way.


    I have been Ban Pakkard 7 times  (4 times to exit Thailand (by minivan 150) and 3 returning from holidaying in Cambodia (motor bike 50 and songthaew 80 to 100)) - There is a market 5km from the last turn off - You wouldn't have exactly passed it, as its located about 100 m from the turn off before the boarder 


    You did well if the songthaew went all the way to the boarder


    How long does the stand-off usually last? I politely explained I was going on holiday to Cambodia so should pay the $30 tourist visa fee but he equally politely explained that it didn't matter where I was going, the fee was $35.


    On my own I never had a problem but last Nov i was with my brother and the delay (i wouldn't call it a stand off) was 30 minutes.  Border issues are very specific to a time and its similar to a posting about an individual having continuous issues with taxis in Bangkok - it depends on how u dress, act, behave (too polite, too impolite) etc...  It also depends on how kind and generous the previous farang have been.  Tuk Tuk in Phuket didnt get to a 200 baht flag rate for 'no reason'

  2. The cost is 100 baht, which is also what the locals pay. I was the only passenger left by the time we reached the border and the guy drove away as soon as I got out so it's very unlikely you'll be able to get one back to Chanthaburi.


    Are you sure you were dropped at the boarder?  usually the songthaew stops at a market about 5km from the boarder and then one needs to take a motorbike taxi 50baht.


    Per my posting above, the minivan departs from Robinson'ish -  It departs from a market located behind Robinson (coming from River side, walk through Robinson, exiting at the rear, walk through the carpark and on your right, roughly 100m is a 7/11.  Pass the 7/11 (so you are turning right) and 80m there is a bridge which you cross and the market is on your left.


    The visa costs $30 and you need to know how to play the game with a nice patient, I'm in no hurry smile.  No thanks, I don't want a business visa etc...

  3. Its important in life to be aware of what you actually know and what you think/assume you know

    In Thailand, the police are involved in different aspects of life that they would not get involved in, in your country or mine. A few years ago a group of school boys got arrested for wasting chilli powder by adding it to their finished bowl of noodles.

    irt Thai ways - The German did the right thing

    Another wonderful promotion for Thailand and the "Thai Way" ...

    Really luudee...I don't know where your from, but can you imagine walking into a police station in New York or London with some fish & chips & expecting them to leap into action because it wasn't up to standard.........Some of you guys really live in fantasy land when you dream of how a farang should be treated........ you should have been around about 150 years ago, along with Somerset Maugham when the sun never set on the Empire---being a white man then you may have got the treatment you feel you deserve now.......coffee1.gif


    White man served bad lobster.......150 lashes for the cook

  4. My assumption was it wasn't happening. I am aware that KFC prices are higher in tourist areas + usually extra 5 baht). This was confirmed to me by KFC.

    As I said in OP, just curious as the only item I eat at KFC is the zinger burger and which I order maybe 3 times per year.

    I was just curious

  5. Thainess personified. The museum run by Australias and New Zealand is professionally done and free and those run by Thai is subject to dual pricing. Imagine if in Europe our culture was to charge entrance fees to WWII memorials.

    Thailand history in WWII is shameful especially their involvement in a joint venture agreement with the Japanese to build this railway.

    Thainess at ist best when foreigners must pay a special price to travel on the train from Thornburi to Kanchanaburi.

  6. My question to you Muslim bashers is this … How many Muslims do you know? Exactly what facts did you use to form your opinion and where did you get them? If you don’t know any Muslims or simply absorbed information from other Muslim haters, it seems like an opinion built on ignorance.

    50% of the worlds people are woman, 5% are gay/lesbian. If tomorrow, morning 55% of the world’s population woke up to a system were their value as human beings and their rights a citizen were Islamic based, would this make the world less nice or a nicer place to live?

    If Islam is what Muslims think it is, then no need to lie about the treatment of woman. No one has ever visited a Muslim majority country and come away thinking that woman are treated equal to a man.

    I have had many a conversation in Malaysia which starts on the basis that we in the west misunderstand Islam. I usually play along and pretend to know very little - Yeah, we are told that a Muslim man can marry more than one wife but since Islam treats woman equally, this isn't true right.... = Usually half answers from the Malaysian

    A Muslim man can divorce his wife by verbally saying it three times ........ Testimony of a man equals two woman ...... We in the west really misunderstand, -

    ps I come from Ireland were not so long ago a woman (irrespective of her religion) and gay/lesbian lived in a world where their value as human beings and their rights a citizen were Christian based and no one wants to return to those days (well nearly no one)

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