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Posts posted by Finlaco

  1. That's what I love about ThaiVisa - ask a simple, specific question and you either get a world tour or condemned as a good-for-nothing dingbat lowlife.

    u'd be amazed at the number of TV members who's postings have no material information/suggestions wrt the original OP -- Not like you and me - hey

    Agoda and Travelfish two very useful sites - I do more budget accommodation and paid $5 for a tuk tuk to the airport - If ur paying mid level up, it ought to include a free pickup - If u arrive at the airport and not an experienced SEA traveller, u will have problems getting a reasonable priced tuk tuk

    as a point of reference - a 45 minute ride from the airport in Phnom Penh to my preferred hotel is $5 from outside of the airport

  2. I previously had to move from China to Bangkok, circa 6 years ago. I used good quality boxes completely tapped all around. They arrived in fairly good condition. None of the 8 boxes went missing. Obviously i was shipping clothing and non breakables.

    I used the local post service knowing that this would avoid Custom Charges. If you use DHL, Fed Ex, etc... they will automatically calculate a customs charge plus various administration charges which can be quite high

    • Like 1
  3. i agree with the posting above

    I took that night ferry before, maybe they have more than one ferry, so they could have different standards. At the one I took we didn´t have to sleep on mats on the floor, they actually had an airconditioned "dorm" there with ihmo quite comfortable bunk beds and even sockets to charge the phone.

    Did the trip two years ago and perfect night's sleep

    There is one company notorious for thievery - They do combination bus and boat tickets - Easily found on google - It's not Lomprayah

    • Like 1
  4. I suppose ignorance is ignorance but it’s always extra ironic when it comes from a Brit talking about Irish drinking habits. I lived a year in London (Fulham Broadway) and a year in Birmingham. When the pubs closed, there would be semi continuous whale of sirens (police and ambulance), that reminded me more of Beirut than any city or town in Ireland.

    The first time (I was 27), that someone suggested having a beer at lunchtime was a city colleague (Brit) when I worked in London. I naturally declined.

    I have lived in South Africa, UK, Germany and Australia and each of these countries easily out drink Ireland on a regular basis.

    Those whom can argue on fact, reason and logic, do so, others evoke an empty ‘pc brigade’ debate.

    • Like 1
  5. High School Diploma via Non Formal Education

    Would any TV member have information/experience/websites regarding a Thai obtaining a high school diploma via non formal education? The person will be working for me on a full time basis and will need to do the study part-time. If possible please send me a private message to avoid the TV trolls.

  6. Hi

    For various reasons I’d prefer to avoid the taxi stand at Suvarnabhumi Airport. Anyone recently (within last fortnight) managed to get a taxi from the Departure Zone and if so, how did you do it? As far as I know they now block direct access from Arrivals.

    Thanks guys

    For the guys who live on TV

    – I know its only a THB50 surcharge (that’s not the issue)

    – I know there’s a train (that wasn’t the question)

    – I know you can’t understand why someone would want to do this (that’s not my issue)

    • Like 1
  7. 1. The ordinary visa replaced what was once a business visa. Cambodia no longer issues a visa called a "business visa". For all intents and purposes the ordinary visa is the same thing.

    2. A 1 year extension (multiple-entry no exit/re-entry permits required) is $285, a 6 month extension is about $175 (also multi-entry, no permits required), 3 month and 1 month extensions are available but are single entry and they are burned on leaving Cambodia - you need to start the visa process again on re-entry.

    3. It's worth noting that you may be required, depending on where you live, what you do, etc., to pay for a work-permit which costs $100 annually. Enforcement on this is hugely random and hugely variable across Cambodia. But if you get caught without one and you need one - they back date to the start of your first entry to Cambodia and fine you $50 a year in addition to the $100 a year fee.

    Hope that helps.


  8. 1 month Tourist visa on arrival is $20. If you don't bring a passport photo - they may ask for an extra $1-$2 to scan the photo from your passport. Tourist visas can be extended once for another month and then you must leave Cambodia.

    1 month Ordinary visa on arrival is $25. If you don't bring a passport photo - they may ask for an extra $1-$2 to scan the photo from your passport. These can be extended indefinitely in Cambodia and 6 and 12 month versions are multiple entry.

    There are only 4 or 5 nationalities that don't qualify for visa on arrival in Cambodia.


    I'm curious if 1 month Ordinary visa is the Business Visa or different class?

    I've been to Cambodia twice; both times arriving at PP by plane and each time I've gotten the $20 visa.


    1. Are there any other requirements for the '1 month Ordinary visa'
    2. Would you know the costs involved for extensions?
    3. Is it possible to apply for an exit/re-entry permit and if so the costs involved?


  9. Yeah but in the same type of venue back home in Aus that would be a $25.00 beer (or $10.00 for a bottle of water).

    You really think so? The same venue, operating to the same costs and standards as in Thailand? Same health and safety requirement, fire regulations, insurance coverage etc... - Are you 100% sure about that?

    Or would the 'same' venue in Australia operate to much different standards/regulations and a cost environment ten times plus that of Thailand?

    Think about it a wee bit more - the 'same' venue operating in Australia would be closed down within a week and its owner's fined and/or jailed

    It’s like comparing the price of a burger at Mc Donald’s to one at Hard Rock cafe and concluding that it’s reasonable to pay more for the burger at McDonalds cos Hard Rock cafe is expensive


    The local songthaew ought to double its price ‘cos an air conditioned taxi costs xx baht.

  10. if it wasn't so serous - i'd laugh

    did u really post a photo relating to Missionaries of Charity and Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu - please tell me you didn't

    how can someone be so ignorant of reality and the facts

    ​photos of children - sure lets get them before they develop an ability to reason and logic

    Why didn't the just ask the pope for a few shackles, the Vatican is loaded with cash.

    Have you ever heard of an religion which says: "No thanks, we have all the money we need. Now it's time for us to give it back to the people".

    Yes, I have heard and seen first hand a lot of money, time and sacrificed lives given to the people.

    Despite the unfortunate behavior of a comparatively few religious, there are still thousands of Catholics and others who give their entire lives to help the people. These people are the church, not the buildings or the other trappings.


    I personally know very well that in many places in Africa the only medical & educational facilities, the only leprosariums and orphanages are run by Catholic (or other denomination) religious and lay workers.


    And I would hazard a guess that any one of those workers has done far more for "the people" than the sad assortment of characters making all the disparaging comments in this thread.


    • Like 1
  11. I've posted a few times on TV and although several members have a similar recall about what i write below, as to date, I've yet to rediscover the title of the book - here's hoping this time


    Does anyone recall the name of a book written by a British female who married a local isan guy and settled on isan for 5 years or so? I think I remember the title including a reference to Mekong, moon and whisky.

  12. This is interesting and I would love for someone to clear up the confusion. It sounds like the "overtime" fee is pretty standard, is charged before the visa is issued (i.e. when they still have leverage), and I should go ahead and pay it. It also sounds like there are various ways they will try to charge me more once I have my visa and passport back, and I don't have to pay this a lot of the time.

    I'd love some clarification on when this might happen. Does Laos try to charge me more to leave the country? Paying the country I am entering, to get in, seems like something I would do, while paying the country I am leaving, to get out, seems foolish. Unless they are actually going to stop me from leaving their country. I imagine most countries here don't want to make it too hard for folks like me to get out of their hair.

    What are the charges I may be asked for that are not mandatory?


    It’s a common enough practice in SEA when on occasion u have to make a decision whether or not it’s 'only $1 or $2' or it’s the principal rather than the amount. It very quickly becomes a bar stool argument.

    It’s a personal decision. The last 2 times (2013) I crossed back to Mukdahan at the Laos Boarder I was asked for a THB40 donation and I acted as I said above and paid nought. No one came after me. I walked at a normal pace and acted like I didn't hear. The guy in front of me paid THB50 and said keep the change, and he wai'd the Immigration Officials. Also the last two times I crossed into Laos from Ubon Ratachthani, I was also asked for a $1 donation (2013) and similar my hearing failed me.

    Weekend charges come and go - It’s a common 'issue' at most SEA border crossings. If it’s official, they'll be a receipt. Just keep ur eyes open. People who have paid it, will want to believe it was an official charge, rather than an innocents error. In any case, make sure u have single $1 bills as its cheaper than paying in Baht.

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  13. No problem the bridge is open until 10 pm 365 days a year.

    You will probably be charged an extra 100 baht for the Lao visa for overtime.

    I'm assuming ur new to SEA but if you play it cool - get your passport back, usually then ur asked for an extra $1-$2 depending on how naive u appear. The request isnt specific to a weekend or week day - If u pretend not to hear,just keep walking (if its a legitimate charge they will come looking for the extra $), if not they will quickly turn their attention to the next individual.

    Theres a massive difference between pretending to be naive and innocent and actually being.

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