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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. As far as i remember Hawkwinds only chart hit was Silver Machine.
  2. He was clever enough to throw away the knife if he still had it in his hands if the Armed response team was at the scene they would have shot him dead. Pity it wasn't in his hand.
  3. Correct Steven it was Triggered by the Murder of the attack s in Southport that left 3 little girls dead and 10 seriously injured. They were not rioting prior to this attack.
  4. I'm not providing links for you Chomper go on U-Tube and see for yourself the garbage these immigrants are doing.
  5. The demonstrations are not just against Mosques Steven.
  6. Starmer has said he has the full support of the Police to do all it takes to stop the rioting that has spread all over the Country. Well keir these comments fuel the fire against what we see is the UK being broken by Muslim attacks and immigrants coming to the UK for free housing and benefits in the immortal words from Bomber Harris " They sowed the wind ,and now and now they are going to reap the whirlwind".
  7. Got me there lemon what is it ?
  8. So far 29,000 migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats. Where are they being housed, who is paying, 4-5 star hotels being trashed by these so called immigrants. Millions spent feeding and housing them, watching Muslim gangs laughing at us when there grooming kids, some of us are being thrown into poverty, homes being used as hostels English Family's having to go to food banks While we have to sit and except delivery of KFC and McDonalds to these hotels if we stand outside filming it we are arrested so we are silenced, being lied to about immigration figures now some have finally had enough the British Government have allowed all this to happen so now the only way is to fight back and take our country and rights back by force and all means.
  9. Behave yourself.
  10. Would that be a well known Hendrix song Save ?
  11. the words are correct KannikaP on this sight. Its a fun thread. Some sites place Such Cartwheels before it. If you can't think of this historic song due to one word missing you don't need to correct me.
  12. We skipped the light fandango Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
  13. Its a lot like playing the violin you can not start off and be Yehudi Menuhin.
  14. I dont know how to set up a quiz on here or i would of so this is the best option at the moment. If how ever we could have a proper format for a music quiz im sure it would be well used with a leader board for fun.
  15. Appropriate name for a stinking well in this district " Pong "
  16. The idea giddyup is to guess a familiar hit not a favorite.
  17. Was it a massive chart song ?
  18. I think you may be missing the thread title its meant to be massive hits and well known songs. Such as " We skipped the Lights fandango turned some cartwheels across the floor.
  19. Reports in most MSM in the UK have reported many towns and cities are braced for riots over the weekend. If you or me stands on the same street with a yob throwing bricks and damaging property your a thug and a racist and a far right member who needs to be locked up. Tarring anyone on the street with the same brush. The do-gooders have already stated this monster is Mentally connected. I and many others think the Death Penalty must be in place for Child killers, the likes of Ian Huntly who killed 2 young girls a few years ago, recently a jealous ex boyfriend killed a mum and her 2 daughters with a crossbow. These Monsters do not deserve to live comfortably in a prison cell. They should be put to sleep like a pet in a vets clinic. If your living in the UK or paying taxes remember you will be paying for these Monsters while they rot in Prison. Make no mistake the Southport Monster will be lucky to survive once he is incarcerated believe it or not there is a rule within prison cons that Child killers are number one targets. Inside Prison there hated.
  20. Penny Lane Beatles.
  21. This One's Easy Well She's my woman of Gold and she's not very, old aha ha, well she's my woman of Gold and she's not very old aha.
  22. Correct Stoner
  23. Thought I'd start a fun Music thread. Think of a few lines from a well known song and not something obscure members try to think of the song and the title. I will start off with this. " And when your Cold and Tired its nice to warm your bones beside the Fire ".
  24. What's Elton and Cliff got to do with this thread ??
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