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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. If there is no Islamification as one poster posted why are some Schools in big cities in England 90% Muslim students with Imam teachers teaching the Koran. If there born and bred in the UK you are English by Birth. Some Schools have had to change there dinners to avoid food inappropriate to Islamic children such as pork. Our leaders bend over backwards to appease them what the fail to see is there not interested in integrating into British life.
  2. Unless you live here in the UK you cannot comment on what its like to live in the UK. it is now us who are the minority. If a crime is committed by a Muslim or a black his identity is withheld as seen in most videos there faces are blurred out. Every terrorist has Islamist connections 90% of the grooming gangs are British Pakistani so cannot be thrown out once they completed there sentence. Some in Bradford are even walking the streets laughing at the judicial system. If we complain we have the threat of arrest but we are filmed and portrayed as far left were not far left we want justice.
  3. This is what the UK has put up with. Choudary jailed this time for life and its not the first time he has been jailed for preaching hatred. It looks like we have finally had enough of these Islamists and some are now being targeted. Many Mayors particularly in the North of England are Muslim Areas such as Glodwick in Oldham are no go areas for whites Bradford is known as Bradistan due to the high number of Pakistani people living there Leeds again areas taken over by British born Pakistani family's. What they do is take over an Area and become a smaller Islam School kids being taught the koran instead of Christian books, Some Churches converted to Mosques if the locals complain there accused of Islamophobia, or motivating racial hatred. Already this morning reports are coming in of an attack on a Mosque near the fatal stabbing in Southport of course the EDF and outside interferences are being blamed for it.
  4. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13687429/anjem-choudary-attacks-london-bridge-jailed.html
  5. Yes the PM's office will already have a good answer for any possible fall out from Potential Chinese tourist.
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 126 seconds  
  7. The TikTok lawyer should also be arrested for inciting racist hatred whipping up the Muslims in Rochdale. The mob that attacked the officers will now realize what they did and will be in the dock on GBH Charges. They will no doubt play the Racist card.
  8. Music all types but no garbage like Rap or Grunge.
  9. For all we know these thugs could have grabbed the armed officers gun there was enough of them then what would the headline be.
  10. Your taking the P SS now the links from the BBC now behave.
  11. Facts? Factual events happened at Batley Grammar Steven parents of the Muslim pupils turned up blocking the School entrance demanding the head resigns he then received Death threats forcing him to go into hiding with his wife and kids. Am i making this up ? I take it you can read English Steven? I gave you an incident that occurred yet. you still deny this happened. its a link i provided.
  12. I am big enough to hold up my arms and say yes you can fly a union jack outside your home.
  13. Facts? Factual events happened at Batley Grammar Steven parents of the Muslim pupils turned up blocking the School entrance demanding the head resigns he then received Death threats forcing him to go into hiding with his wife and kids. Am i making this up ?
  14. No Steven i'm not posting links all day to appease a member i posted one already.
  15. I'm not arguing with you Nick you believe what you want.
  16. This is just one of the incidents Nick you know you said its not true.
  17. Even if you raise an English flag up in your home you will be told you cannot because it could offend other religious groups. Tommy Robinson stood and filmed a Court case where a muslim was in court for grooming kids he was arrested and jailed. Three years ago, on 25 March 2021, a teacher from Batley Grammar School (BGS) in West Yorkshire was forced into hiding after a religious studies class he gave led to protests from Muslim parents and to death threats. Today, that incident has been largely forgotten.31 Mar 2024
  18. Do you live here Nick ???. I will post some of these incidents if you wish Nick. Why would i post these if it wasn't true ??.
  19. If you don't live in the UK you can only guess the problems we have to put up with the Muslims here in the UK. They demand Muslim only Schools with Muslim teachers, they demand all Christian nativity plays banned as it offends them, they demand al halal meat in Supermarkets some areas are wanting Sharia Law. These English Muslims think they are above British law and when there arrested for breaking the law they will attack the Police then play the Islamophobia card. 95% of the kiddie grooming gangs are Pakistani origin. A headmaster in a Grammar School in Batley West Yorkshire has had to take his family away and into hiding after receiving Death threats because he refused some of there demands. In the video and most where Muslims are protesting there faces are blurred out so we cannot identify them these Thugs in Manchester should now be arrested on Assault charges but this will send them on the streets protesting about Police brutality.
  20. What would you do hotandsticky if a Thai male broke your wife's nose, give him a stern telling off?
  21. Give it a rest nauseus there still collecting evidence.
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