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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Next week's news, our gallant Russian forces are fighting Zombies manufactured in Ukrainian secret Labs which we have identified.
  2. The Economy was running smoothly Pre Pandemic once the Junta took over the Tourism sector started declining. Warning signs were given all ignored Corruption, Greed, scams assaults on Tourists all went unpunished particularly in Phuket. When a new governor or a new Police general was seen as trying to improve and stamp out the baddies they were quickly moved to other provinces. It wasn't that long ago Chan o Cha pleaded to stop scamming tourists as this is damaging Thailand's Reputation.
  3. I'm travelLing from london to BKK next month on Thai airways when i booked my flight it cost £730 rtn most airfares now are over a £1,000. I Booked a Hotel with a pool in Patong for 7 nights for £250 without Breakfast i also booked a hotel with a pool in Udon Thani for £250 a Month. My age and Health mean's this will be my last overseas trip. Lets be honest I Love Thailand but it was struggling years before Covid with scams and Tourist numbers declining. They knew but ignored all calls to improve, it was the old " Don't worry the next plane is ready to bring tourists in, and it's full " Well they're not full anymore so their answer is to triple the prices to offshoot the declining numbers. Ignore the European tourists and look to China India and Saudi to lure and save the Tourism Golden Egg now there scraping the barrel yet again looking for a golden goose. It's not Rocket Science to lure tourists back and offer them offers such as reducing prices across the board reducing Domestic flights like opening up all carriers to Samui instead of only allowing Bangkok Airways to land at Samui as they have a monopoly there. Bring Consular officials into brainwave ideas to entice foreign tourists.
  4. You won't be surprised like most here Kinyara that the figures from TAT will be manufactured to look good ie the usual spokesman will roll out millions of new arrivals better than we hoped B/S. They will not give the true figures out.
  5. This week's excuse from the Russian defense minister is Ukraine is ready to unleash a Dirty Bomb. Last week it was Ukraine has mined the Dam and blamed it on Russia. Next week it will be a Chemical weapon ready to drop on Russia.
  6. The UK France and Germany are asking the UN to look at Iranian Drones being used in Ukraine it is also looking into Iranians on the ground in the Donbas region training the Ruskies to use the Drones. The lies are still coming out from the Kremlin stating they are not being aided from Iran well we now know that was a pack of lies too,
  7. Well appears a Russian fighter let off a missile in the vicinity of an RAF plane on an exercise over the Black Sea Russians responded the usual " it was a malfunction " what would have happened if it was shot down? a Kremlin spokesman would immediately lie and say it was a nato aircraft accidentally shooting down an RAF Plane.
  8. Putin knows what will happen if he unleashes Chemical or a nuclear device it will be the end for Russians as the west can unleash any means to stop it like they did when Saddam unleashed a Chemical weapon on his people. it's likely he will try and flatten Kherson making it Unhabital same as Mariupol his thinking is if we can't have the city no one will have it.
  9. Russia is forcing civilians from Kherson and shipping them off to Russia which can be seen as yet another war crime, forcing civilians from another country to Russia as this city is not recognized as Russian due to its sham vote.
  10. Why don't the UN just kick Russia out of the UN. They have lied to the chamber on numerous occasions they can't be trusted and now there threatening the General of the United Nations. A precision strike on the factory in Iran and its stockpile will stop the supply of these Iranian drones if there aiding Russia and violating UN Resolution.
  11. Rats leaving HMS Kremlin before they get there <deleted> kicked by a comedian.
  12. I will Answer you Plus7. I asked MEMBERS not Member the Question. Maybe you have not understood the question I asked all members not an individual.
  13. A question to our members. Some appeasers on here are questioning holding talks to end the War between Ukrainian Forces and Russian Forces. My question is Would you sit around and talk to a liar? or who you know cannot be trusted?.
  14. I'd be waiting for " This is an attack perpetrated by Ukraine " and a further excuse warranted for further retaliatory strikes on Ukrainian cities.
  15. Iran must be Punished Sanctions will not work. H,owever what Iran is doing is what the west is doing against Russia. So the only action is to keep shooting them down. Or if the Russians attack a delivery to Ukraine outside Ukraine then the west can attack the shipments on Route to Russia from Iran.
  16. Laughs ?? wathing his once mighty army being defeated by this Comedian ?? I think you will find its Zolensky smiling.
  17. The old Thumbs on in his left hand and the Smile as he takes a selfie cracked me up.
  18. Can £50 Notes still be exchanged in Thailand? I have heard in the UK soon these notes will be stopped and not produced ?
  19. Easy to answer send a Cpl of Divers down to locate the wreckage of the boat should be easy to locate. Just another lie from Putin. Negotiate my <deleted> how can you look at a face and believe what he is saying. More likely Putin knows its game over and wants a get out of jail card.
  20. Why do we never see a TIT spokesman mention European tourists? what happened to the Saudi drive to bring tourism from Saudi? kind of Sheik there Pockets.
  21. Don't forget the Sunday Dinner Redwood1, the free peanuts on the bar.
  22. Probably asking for a second-hand Diesel Engine for the Enginless Submarine they just Acquired or maybe even ask for 1 free from a scrapper.
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