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Posts posted by mrt273nva

  1. Their stupidity would equal yours.

    keep a close watch and report anymore idiotic comments made by this man to the moderators so a determination can be made if his is in fact PAD.

    You may witness more and more retarded comments coming from all over the forum. You are free to report your suspicions here so the moderators along with "real" members may make a determination as to the legitimacy of their member status. Stupid comments are PAD's strategy in bringing down farang unity.

    edit: oops i double posted trying to edit the first comment. But I swear I'm not PAD

  2. The group known as "The People's Alliance for Democracy" (PAD) has successfully infiltrated a popular expatriate web forum known as ThaiVisa. The members of the PAD organization are posing as long term resident farang. PAD's intentions are to "dumb down" the web forum beyond it's current pointless bickering by posting idiotic remarks regarding the Thai government. It is not known which members of the forum are actually PAD, so proceed with extreme caution when interacting with idiotic remarks made by anonymous members. Conflicting propaganda and pointless protests have been used by the PAD which have also enjoyed success in making the average expatriate scratch their heads until their hair falls out. Authorities are looking into the situation, however the PAD had predicted correctly that the incompetency in computer literacy among politically hired officials would allow them to infiltrate the web forum without disturbance. In the mean time use ThaiVisa with caution..

  3. tried to get a train to Bangkok for tomorrow and it is shut down. So now i'm flying out of Surathani instead. hope everything goes smoothly.

    I hope the best for you, my gf told me that on Thai TV they said Suratthani airport is blocked (= closed?) by PAD now.

    airasia still accepted my money (big surprise) is there a source for this so i can try to change plans as soon as possible.

  4. The rural ,poorly educated Thai that I mix with every day of the week dont even anticipate where their next meal is coming from until they get hunger pains.

    after you finish your current meal do you honestly plan your next? when hunger sets in so does the natural instinct to decide what would be best to eat next. right now i'm munching on some peanuts along with my beer, but later i have no idea what i'm going to eat. does that make me poorly educated? i'm leaning towards a pizza, but that is fattening and not so good for my diet, so maybe I should go get a salad, but at this hour I'm going to have to make it myself. I guess I'll just starve because I can't figure it out due to my poor education (and intoxication). Actually due to the intoxication I will probably just grab everything in the fridge and through it together in the pan and fry it in oil and season it with my random seasonings. Maybe I am educated after all, I've planned for my next meal.

  5. Whatever you do, don't stop a rolling coin by stepping on it.

    You are stepping on the king.

    You are stepping on a coin! Coincidentally it has an image of the King on it there for you should pick it up and put it in your pocket (even though that is the nearest place to your genitalia that you could put it).

  6. holy crap! is that the real translation? nothing against the royalty and all, but this song screams propaganda.

    Cambodia killed millions of their own people for "the greater good of the nation".

    I've always wondered if Thailand would be capable of such a thing. I think it is a scary possibility (however unlikely).

  7. BEAR MACE!!! it works on bears so it should work on jackass thieves/intruders. should be able to order it online.

    I herd it can kill people,it can shoot up to 15 ft, would be back if the wind was blowing towards you.

    yeah it could backfire on you. just leave the room as soon as you shoot it off and you'd probably be alright. it would give you enough time to go get your gun :o .

  8. Samak was voted in by the people. Let democracy be democracy and let them keep the loon. 19 military coups in Thailand since WWII says something about the way government is done here. Don't see anything changing, but for that reason I would like him to stay. In fact, I might make some enemies here, but I am also a Thaksin supporter.

  9. I think a good portion of condo jumpers are people who have been here a long time, are forced to move back home for some reason or another, and can't hack it.

    If I jumped from my window i'd probably just twist my ankle at most.

  10. Punch your painter, divorce your wife, fire the house keeper, kick the dog, and say f*** off to the neighbor.

    You are the king of your house, if you give them an inch they will take a mile. I'm now having to retrain my wife and my employees because I was too "jai yen / jai dee" and was getting stepped all over. I didn't realize that I was being taken advantage of until it hit me all at once what was going on. "Jai Yen" no more. Take control if you can.

    I'm still in the process of obedience training but I think it will work out for everyone in the end.

  11. Just got word that my wife's visa may be coming through in a few months, which has really got me thinking about what is will be like when I get back. I have been out here for 3 years and haven't even gone back for a holiday. I know I've changed and I know the US has changed, but I'm worried how affected I will be by it.

    Can anyone share your experiences of going back to the west after a long stretch of being in the LOS? And what kind of reverse culture shock did you experienced?

  12. My Grandmother's death happened 1 week before my child's birth. Everyone understood when I wasn't at the funeral. It was difficult on my father who lost a mother but gained a grandson. He went to the funeral and was just days late for the birth after flying out here to see the new addition to the family.

  13. the one guarantee in life is that everyone will die. so make the moments while you are alive last. go see you dad, he would love that probably more than you know.

    edit: sorry Garro, i didn't read thee whole thread. I am sorry to hear about your dad. Gook luck to you, and my regards.

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