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Posts posted by mrt273nva

  1. Giradia ?

    I had giradia when I was 11 years old. I had it for about a year and almost died from it. I was in the hospital every month and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I came near to death. I had to stay in the hospital for a month on drip when they figured out what it was. Turns out I may have gotten it from bear shit in the Yuba River in California.

  2. First of all this is a great thread. For one of the first times in Thai Visa history people are contributing to a thread with very little bashing.

    :o really?? :D ok, if you say so... I must have misread half this thread then... but thanks for adding humor to it.

    people are contributing with their own personal experiences and genuine feelings on the subject. Constructive argument is different than bashing. There is a different tone to this thread which is refreshing.

  3. I just want to make a post before I lose my train of thought. First of all this is a great thread. For one of the first times in Thai Visa history people are contributing to a thread with very little bashing. It seems that this is a topic that most can relate to. I'm going to go back in a moment and read the rest of the posts.

    Anyway, to offer my 2 satongs worth.

    When I was first with my wife in Thailand I would get self conscious in many public places. It seemed that everyone was looking at us. Though disturbed, we continued together. Over time it seemed that the looks faded away. What was before looks of disapproval had turned into looks of curiousity. Now I am extremely proud to be seen in public with my wife, and I believe that our body language is such now that it must be obvious to outsiders that we are together. Having a baby helps a bit I'm sure. Suddenly the rest of the world doesn't matter and you are entirely focused on your family. I can't think of the last time I had an evil look from anyone concerning our relationship. Once in a while I'll get a look of confusion from people which is easily remedied with a warm smile. If strangers have the idea that somehow our relationship is wrong, well then I am no longer aware of it.

    I am curious however how people will react to us when we are back in the US. We are planning a move there in the next year or two, and it is a completely different culture (one that I have lost touch with). But after some adjustment I'm sure it will be back to normal.

  4. Does anyone has experience with them? Seems very promising with lots of services for an e-commerce website. Might be a rival for Paypal in Asian region. I got this interview from here --> http://talk-thailand.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1598

    DO NOT USE ASIAN PAY. THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF AND STEAL YOUR MONEY. They have not paid me $2,500 USD that has been owed to me for over 9 months now. They feed me lies every time I call and email. They have broken every contract. They are fraudulent and deserve jail sentences.

  5. I'll admit I don't know the law ...

    ...then how is using a proxy a crime?

    i called TOT about the youtube problem among others and the customers service rep gave me a link to a proxy to use. TOT is recommending farangs use a proxy. pm me if you want the link that TOT gave me to use.

  6. One was even wearing the respected yellow T shirt. I did report it to the building reception, just so they could alert security, who stand aimlessly on every floor.

    the report to security went out like this. "all security be on the lookout for a thai man with a yellow shirt" at which point the guards went back to sleeping.

  7. There are so many other possible connotations behind you asking that question that I don't really know what else to say.

    I'm new at all this. I've never had a child before. There is an overload of conflicting information on the internet, and the information that does seem to be all the same is conflicted with the Thai way of going about things. I just want what is best for my child, but everyone has a different idea as to what that is.

  8. It's easy to get blase about the lack of Health and Safety precautions in this country. Now and again a story pops up that rocks you on your heels. Fri 20 Jun Daily Xpres (p7) is a good example:

    "Six hours of heavy rain on Wednesday left Pattaya City in Chon Buri flooded. A British tourist was electrocuted while wading to his hotel in knee-deep water on a South Pattaya street. He has been identified as Scott Mitchinfow, 32."

    Those trailing electric cables we see everywhere can be lethal. Watch out!

    ianh68h :o

    The reason I started this post was primarily to get people to report any other hazards they think we might be unaware of. A sort of safety check list for the unwary. Has anyone got other examples?


    how can we report on hazards that we are unaware of?

  9. Secondly with the above in mind how can the first world ensure that if they (LoS) actually go ahead with a NPS in the future that all safety possible is implemented and maintaines?

    if people start glowing then they know that they might need to fix the leak that is draining into the river. bubble gum usually works i've been told.

  10. Dear Abby,

    I am a sailor in the US Coast Guard. My parents live in the suburb of Philadelphia and one of my sisters, who lives in Bensenville, is married to a transvestite. My father and mother have recently been arrested for growing and selling marijuana and are currently dependent on my other two sisters, who are prostitutes in Jersey City. I have two brothers, one who is currently serving a non-parole life sentence in Attica for rape and murder of a teenage boy in 1994. The other brother is currently being held in the Wellington Remand Center on charges of incest with his three children. I have recently become engaged to marry a former Thai prostitute who lives in the Bronx and indeed is still a part-time "working girl" in a brothel. However her time there is limited, as we hope to open our own brothel with her as the working manager. I am hoping my two sisters would be interested in joining our team. Although I would prefer them not to prostitute themselves, at least it would get them off the street,and hopefully the heroin...

    Abby, my problem is this: I love my fiance and look forward to bringing her into the family and of course I want to be totally honest with her...

    Should I tell her about my cousin who supports McCain?


    Worried about my reputation

  11. My wife and in-laws are of the belief that we should be jamming food down my poor sons throat (not literally). He is now 11 weeks old and My wife is trying to stick various fruits into his mouth. A month ago my MIL was doing it. I was really upset with this so they stopped (turns out they stopped when I was around).

    What age should we begin solid foods. And what is a viable argument against feeding too early that an Thai mother would understand?

  12. you probably wouldn't be able to hire one because they are a bit hard to control if you haven't driven them before. I have one and I am fine with it now, but for the first few days it took me a while to get the balance down. If you don't sit on it right then you get loads of 'head shake' which is the front wheel violently going back and forth as you try to control it. doesn't happen to me anymore, but everyone that wants to drive it gives it right back saying they can't control it. I would never rent out my motorcycle with sidecar for that very reason.

  13. half day is the short time rate right? there is a huge talent pool in bangkok that i'm sure you could find what you are looking for. the difference being that you would be paying them to put clothes on.

  14. hey, they are turning it around with this 1 is seems. lets hope that thailand realizes its primary source of income. they have been shooting themselves in the foot so much that before you know it they won't have a leg to stand on.

  15. Good sir I take offense, woman repeatedly tell me I hansum man and even men from tailor shops want to shake my hand,


    we should start the good looking expat club. exclusive to the handsome men that have been thoroughly judged by a panel of honest ladies of the night. dues could be paid directly to the judges.

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