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Posts posted by mrt273nva

  1. security is my gig and i do it well, but avoiding purchases with my credit card has never entered my mind. diversify your banking accounts so that if one is compromised (which is rare if you are conscious) you don't lose the whole lot. if you plan on putting a lot in one account then don't even have a card for that account, just transfer funds accordingly in person in the bank to your less secure accounts.

  2. Is this a set up already?I never ever even let my card go out of my hand to anybody,have to have it? They lose my buisiness,there are so many ways today,not only to steal your money,but your complete identity,just a scan is enough to 'Get at you ' a secure bank number,are you kidding?Read up on this and you will find in 99% of instances of monetary fraud, the crooks have broken just about every safety measure known to man,if not today,tomorrow is soon enough for them.They have even hacked into 'Safe

    'government sites and computers,CAUTION should be your one and only piece of advice.

    paranoid much?

  3. dress as you like as long as it is respectful to those around you. baggy shorts with lots of pockets, i love them. they are comfortable and there is plenty of places to put all my crap. (when i go to bangkok though i do tend to wear jeans for some reason. perhaps its conformity)

    and to the person complaining about mosquitoes doing a star wars maneuver up the pant leg, i've never had that happen to me. after being in the LOS for a while you develop an immunity to the local insects. as soon as they start invading my personal areas then i will stop free balling and adopt the tighty whities.

  4. anybody who is worried to publish his bank account conducts UNSAFE banking :o

    Got any advice on how to conduct SAFE banking, Nam? :D

    to access my bank account i need three things. userword, password and most important this thingy which displays a six digit number that changes every 60 seconds:

    who do you bank with? i like that...

  5. i see that this thread went dead after the mention of 'tub girl'. i thought i'd bring it to the fore front (after coming home from quite a few drinks) to have a discussion on censorship and whether or not these type of images should be out right banned, or should they still be allowed in public domain for purposes of causing your friends to go into seizures and epileptic shock.

  6. I have gone there twice; once he was a no show, and once I was too late.

    I would go more, being retired and doing absolutely nothing all day. However I am also afflicted with OCD and can't seem to break my morning routine of coffee and the newspaper at 'my spot'.

    It is conflicting with my desire to roust him from his 'spot'. I'll see if I can adjust my timing tomorrow to get my OCD issues addressed earlier so I can go try to disrupt his morning.

    where is "your spot"?

  7. Japanese porn censorship mystifies me.. They pixellate genitals, but not other orifices or bodily emissions.

    The internet legend "Tub Girl" being the best example of this.... :o

    i did a google image search for "tub girl" (without safe search on).

    the first result almost made me vomit. the thumbnail was enough for me. i didn't need to open it. probably one of the worst things i've ever seen. i now see why some people like censorship. my nightmares will be haunted forever.


  8. i have been having that problem too. i left my house for 2 week and when i returned it was infested.

    i also have a problem with those little flying nats that try to make it into your nose any chance they get. it makes it impossible to take afternoon naps, and it is difficult to write on the keyboard without my shirt propped up over my nose.

    annoying little buggars.

  9. mrt273nva needs to get another avatar sharpish ... what are you trying to portray mate ???

    do you have something against indoor lighting fixtures? i would be willing to bet that you own a lamp of your own. why do you have to give me sh!t for displaying one on my avatar?

  10. hi all .

    newborn sprog came into the world last tuesday weighing in at 3.95kg

    birth was at the village hospital as tilak wanted to be near her parents.

    and we're staying at her mother hosue for 2 weeks until she is fit to travel (lots of stiches in the lower regions)

    i'm having a few issues with farang versions of hygine and thai :o

    and unsure which one are worth me trying to insist on as i'm not winning at the moment and reluctant to push to hard without being sure

    bottle's , there idea of cleaning is simply to wash them, my idea is wash and steralise

    full baths, there doing twice a day, i've always believed its not good to bath a baby too much, once every 2 days the norm

    baby lotion/moisteriser , keep baby well lotioned is my norm, seems not to be here, the dry skin will go they say, lol

    lots of other things that can't think of right now .

    are any of my issues worth digging in on ? or am i just being OTT

    i understand your concern. my baby is now 2 months old. i have been cringing at the sight of my mother-in-law caring for the baby. she honestly loves him, but i can see that her only knowledge of babies comes from experience.


    * i was giving my newborn some water in a sterilized bottle that i used with cooled down boiled water. the MIL unscrews the top and sticks her finger into the water to check the temperature.

    * the MIL had been swatting and killing flies all day with this flyswatter that we have in the house. instead of using something else to wave in front of my son's face to keep bugs away, she uses the disgusting looking flyswatter just inches above his face.

    * she wakes him up when she wants to play with him.

    * she bathes him 3 - 5 times a day (he likes it though, not sure if it is good for him or not)

    * she used to wrap him up with 4 or 5 blankets when it was extremely hot outside. i'm not too sure why this is. but i knew this was bad and would not let her do it. i won that battle.

    There are many other small things that are just a bit weird that i try not to dwell on. after all, this is my 1st child and she has had 4 of her own before (not including grandchildren).

  11. Over population is certainly the root of all other problems the world is facing, but by the time it's apparent to everyone it will be too late...

    Here's a riddle for all you TV geniuses: if pond scum doubles in size every day and it takes 100 days to cover the pond, on which day will the pond be half covered?

    day 99? right?

  12. Having read this thread I have come to the conclusion that 15 years ago I made the correct decision.

    I was sent here to work by my company and within a week I met a good looking Thai girl.

    3 months later I moved on but she stayed and we kept in touch. I came back a year later and we met again and lived together for the next 4 years until I moved on again. She stayed, I divorced my UK wife and married my Thai lady in 2000. Our son was born 4 years ago and we live on 20 rai out in the sticks.

    So the answer to the OP question about what type of Thai lady do I prefer is simple.

    My wife.

    :o:D :D

    and what is your second choice?

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