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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Well I saw another member had a the free palestine flag as his icon and told us he'd donated to help them and said he want to help "all" people, I sent money to help the 1200 + victims of Hamas immediately after that attack and the ones left homeless, I am an Atheist but some , well namely one person here seems to think Im Jewish , although I see his post has since been removed.
  2. Be happy when every transaction you do is known, wait till they start ring fencing your car where you can drive, were heading into an Orwellian nightmare, laugh all you like when everything you do, go, say is known forever.
  3. wait until China decides it owns the whole galaxy
  4. time is irrelevant to most Thais
  5. No the point is I reported a crime nothing was done, nothing at all
  6. double standards , but you knew that already.......J hope
  7. Thailand the brave, Thailand the strong, Thailand the never been colonised, Thailand the ........where is it again?
  8. especially as there at 2.5 million each, all of a sudden there wealth has increased massively
  9. Well I was threatened with a Machete, and reported it to the Police........... at first they told me to report it elsewhere... that was the brush off, but i went elsewhere who sent me back to the first station ( the incident happened right outside their station) I'm glad to report no investigation or action in ANY WAY was taken against the person with the machete a THAI NATIONAL who'm the police told me they knew was a "bad person" (sarcasm off)....... their words....... I'llawait the " you made it up " or "prove it" retards, so to save you the time....... Guess youll want the context too as im sure the forensic brigade will be out as well, waiting at front of queue at junction to turn right , mr "I cant wait" jumps out the queue 8 cars back as lights change, as I pull off he tries to railroad in to the front and doesnt like my vehicle being in his very important way slowing him down, hes totally in my blind spot on the left. No concerned netizens appeared and despite e mailing ANUTIN he said I was too dirty to be dealt with. Maybe I should post it to the UK Daily Mail they like this sort of stuff twatty driver.mp4
  10. You cant beat modern journalism where no ones ever allowed to answer without being interrupted within seconds of starting their reply.
  11. not surprising at all, more woke to support one team than another, waves arms and shouts violently
  12. Christ on a bike thats terrible as bad if not worse than hacking off a mans arm when being told you cant smoke, dunno what the worlds coming to............no perspective thats for sure
  13. I too donated to the Kibbutz Nir Oz: Help the survivors of the October 7 massacre, as you said its good to help "any" hungry or displaced beings regardless of their colour race or religion https://my.israelgives.org/en/fundme/kibbutzniroz
  14. oh really someone cant question your sincerity? how sad is that for you.
  15. Poor effort Im on the floor and buried in mine.....and I dont even drink
  16. Are they all going on holiday for 3 weeks then?
  17. youll need ptsd for that to happen
  18. I think most of us are nobody everyday. c'mon "somebody" do a post
  19. 90% bwhaaaa ha ha, wow wouldnt want the risk myself
  20. "Somebody" doesnt exixt..but likes every post, is this AN's attempt to make us feel wanted
  21. never mind youll all get 10k baht............shame theres no water where they probably get metres of it fall out the sky every year................never mind the new submarine will protect you from ?????
  22. ive used both small and large companies both did the work ok all in Bangkok ,Smile dental centre ( not smile signature also at seacon) ,seacon square srinakarin road cheap all good, and Asavanant expensive but they gave me IV intravenous sedation the ONLY place ive ever found that does it
  23. Long gone the days of me youf in Redditch home of Royal Enfield, as late as the mid 1970's i worked in a shop crammed full of RE spares, tanks everything "Rattue and Arnold" Redditch, saturday job
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