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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Just a thought, I could be wrong; If OP is a young able-bodied guy, I doubt the Ukraine embassy will be sympathetic to him sitting out the war here with a diplomatic "hall pass".
  2. I just remembered, I own two Sporrans as well. But they're bloody useless as totes, beyond keeping my girlfriend's lipstick in for when she's finished under the kilt.
  3. Kinda beachy
  4. The Anglican Church is a blessing! I nostalgically sang along to exactly one hymn during the Westminster Coronation. T'was karaoke in honour of his Kingness.
  5. The government tried to split hairs, so Pita chose to split heirs. Woot! I'm here every sometimes.
  6. Imagine still enforcing religious tradition on everyone on pain of criminalisation and imprisonment. The people, who for whatever deep and very dark reasons (they say it's "respect") are fine with kowtowing to a concept, not a even a person, not even an idol, but a concept, are fasci... nating individuals indeed!
  7. I wonder about that invisible energy that visibly departs every creature, when the eyes dull at the moment of death, something in there just stops "broadcasting" and it's tangible in the passing instant. I don't imagine we actually reunite with anyone or anything elsewhere. I think what many call the "soul" that energy, hangs around aimlessly for a while, then it quickly "forgets" who we were, what it, itself was, represented through our physical being. Then it just folds into itself, and into the unknowable spectrums of energy and particulae that thrum in the atmosphere around us, and we cease to exist beyond even atoms on any plane. I see this state not so much as being dead, as being energy yet unassembled and unborn. And no I don't mean reincarnation, I mean "unborn" we don't exist at all in any state in any form. In my imagination this is what this condition of ceasing to exist entails.
  8. Need a Phuket Taxi? Just dial 1 800 SCAM and you'll be enjoying authentic local price gouging from door to door! For just 5 thousand baht more, sign up to their innovative new caper: "Conmen in cars getting coffee".
  9. Let's all agree for once, both Trump and Biden need to be discouraged from another term on the basis of age. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Trump offer sincere concern after hearing news of Biden's fall, while he was at one of his own gatherings. He even joked about this own turn on the airforce graduation ramp a few years ago. Nice to see a touch of civility in politics again!
  10. I heard he'd bought a Lamborghini here with a 50% upfront part-payment. It cost an arm and a leg.
  11. Yeah but you're walking about with nether regions that look like a Hamster with his cheeks stuffed with walnuts! ????
  12. I use a modified tactical small-arms chest pack. It can carry about a third of a small day pack in volume. It's perfect for anti pickpocket wear, or slung over one shoulder, or slung over one knee when seated. THB 300+ at local police outfitters in olive, sand, or black. Then I have a fancy "tux" accessory shoulder bag I got in Osaka. One night I was wearing the fancy one across my chest barhopping in a sweaty T-shirt near Thermae. A random streetwalker was grooming a random gent up ahead. As I approached, the old gent glanced up, pointed at the bag, and said "Ask him, he look like he has loads of money!" ????
  13. Any Embassy would have something to say about that timeframe. I'm not defending the RTP here, it's just how Government types roll worldwide. Go and look at your home country requirements for residential visas, regardless of which nation, you hail from, the fees and timeframes will make your nose bleed. Six months wait is a great result in most cases.
  14. Of course they can keep your passport. It's an acceptable standard when applying for any visas with consideration or extensive background checks worldwide. The US Embassy do it in Australia.
  15. Anyone who even bothers to engage with the debate around this Pattaya News manufactured controversy needs a better hobby.
  16. I lived in Portugal, Portuguese is not easy, even though the Spanish and Pr. can understand each other more or less. Brasilian Portuguese is likely even more difficult being loaded with Creole. I tried out Mexico, Aguascalientes is as safe as it gets, and every brand is American, and cheap. Fun fact: A German neighbour working at the vast VW plant there had a Thai wife! Anyway, I enjoyed the Philippines more than Mexico, but Thailand beats the Philippines for safety, medical, and infrastructure, especially infrastructure. Burning trash every night makes the suburbs there smell like a war zone. And the stench from the trash they do collect would waft from Cebu City over the water to Mactan Yacht Club. Why can't they even get the basics working right? Corruption may be a big issue in Thailand, but it's on a while other level over there. And the reason it's a basket case, even with its own oil and gas reserves! The common wealth is all stolen.
  17. It's amazing that you fail to see the contradiction in your statement. When wealthy filipinas start choosing wealthy westerners over wealthy Filipino men, is when hell freezes over.
  18. Final proof the death penalty is really the easy way out. These lunatics should suffer and contemplate the consequences of being dicks for their entire long hard lives in jail.
  19. Helmets off! Masks up! Bring it onnn!
  20. Weed makes everything awesome.
  21. This is not 1976, something the fossils cannot accept. However, it could end very badly for them. The entire greater Bangkok voted orange, they have no idea what they are up against this time. The people are dialled in, unlike the past, when the establishment controlled the media totally. The voters are not going to stand by and let the establishment steal their own nation from them any longer. Prepare for the worst.
  22. Wissanu addressing anything illegal, much less this farce of an excuse, is rich indeed! The ultimate gladhander, he was even once on the redshirt side.
  23. I don't believe in karma, but it looks like he's one lucky suspect to have even made it home, and it's still not over. He's probably bankrupt too, a good fake passport would not be cheap.
  24. Old pilots wisdom: Never fly the model A of anything.
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