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Everything posted by Saanim

  1. If it is the case (actually, now even the govt high position people are not allowed), why he left illegally, as I understand. Or perhaps, because he would not be allowed out into Russia, even for his kids? However, the Russians did let him in, did not hinder to approch his kids, did they? And did not hinder him to take them out of Russia, did they? I guess he thanked them a lot - you are welcome...
  2. The ICC itself is an absurdity - beside the status of their jurisdiction - suffice to mention the outcome of their handling of a criminal case 4 years ago.
  3. The UN security council has been existing for over 70 years or so. During this time (and currently either) there have been hundreds of wars waged worldwide while the wars participants had been in charge of the said council. Did I miss a case that it hadn't be the case?
  4. Perhaps I have missed something but how the single father (the kids have no mother?) managed to escape from Ukraine to Russia while no man is allowed to leave the country and not be drafted? And to get his children near Moscow in OK, photographed with them on Red Square while in his area he was on a chase list? Not going back to fight for his country but travelling freely to another country? Enough means to undertake all this?
  5. A simple and cheap alu sucking pole with adjustable length (ca. 4m) you can buy in Global House. Actually, I too had kept it left in the water for few years at the end of the pool. Later thinking why so stupid to get it slowly corroded when I can keep it above the water, as it's shown on the picture. It's ready to be prepared immediately for the vacuuming when shifted it in the water and the hose in the overflow channel over the edge as well.
  6. We need to be told what to think about that, don't we? The Moscow's BBC Steve Rosenberg has been asking Putin at many occasions unpleasant questions (as can be seen on YT) - wondering whether he would be allowed that somewhere else? - but the answers he's got were also not very pleasant for him.
  7. That's right. And his net was not only very wide but also reaching very high.
  8. I tried yesterday to explain you something what is normal everywhere. I doubt that you have been commenting state visits in other countries. Trying to explain again: The visiting head of state is immediately greeted upon arrival by the host (or by a lesser official representative, if the two heads of state are to meet later at another location) and by his or her ambassador (or other head of mission) accredited to the host country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_visit That was the case yesterday. Can we stay with these facts without snubbing?
  9. Wondering whether we get here some Jeffrey's apologists? ????
  10. The Amnesty International issued last year a report that caused a huge outrage. For the outrage the head lady of AI had apologized, however, did not take back the report. Did you mean this report? Similarly the HRW. How the "The people" in Hague are independent can be viewed by the link of The Guardian 4 years ago - as it's here above, - they, by themselves, did want some kind of investigation. However, after they could not travel, no longer any investigation.
  11. Did the people from The Hague go there and see that?
  12. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-visits-crimea-anniversary-its-annexation-ukraine-2023-03-18/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/19/vladimir-putin-makes-surprise-visit-to-occupied-mariupol-in-ukraine
  13. To the facts: Is there any independent body that has evidence proving the facts?
  14. Perhaps, somebody should tell him - obviously he does not know yet... (in another thread somewhere I read: I think Putin will be headed for his palace for a long time. He'll just order food & drinks in ...)
  15. *Removed post edited out* I think it would be quite difficult to explain it to you. But perhaps you can start to think by yourself: President of the state that did not allow the prosecutors of the ICC into the country 4 years ago - when they wanted to investigate - hails the decision of the same ICC today: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/18/biden-hails-decision-icc-arrest-warrant-against-putin Or did the ICC change the personnel?
  16. Actually, it is embarrassing for somebody else and for the ICC itself either. Before you issue such an idea you better learn what is ICC, which states recognize it, etc.
  17. How many times have we heard here this? Is it the only station in the world owned and funded by the own govt? Just look around yourself. In fact, theoretically, it should be always better than to have the media controlled by the heavy industries following their own interest. Actually, the govt is controlled by the people, isn't it? More or less... How it works in BBC? In Germany and Switzerland is currently a huge outrage of the population, for who exactly the state media are working? How the talk shows are "unbiased"? In the traditionally "neutral" Switzerland is a case against the current state president for his ties with the biggest media agency and so on...
  18. You are deflecting - as usually. How could I "left out" that when I did not quote or reference that link. Your link is an article of Aljazeera with the media comments, not quote of the Minsk agreements. BTW, whether a party is (was) bound or not? That's very known from the disclosures of Poroschenko, Merkel, Holland, to name just few.
  19. All the escalation despite the effort of the Minsk I, II treaties the parties were bound to heed. In the very February 2022 the shelling of Donbass areas had escalated: "OSCE reports more than 1,500 ceasefire violations in a single day in Ukraine" https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220219-live-osce-monitors-report-dramatic-increase-in-ukraine-ceasefire-violations ...and the US staff of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission was ordered to pull out 13 Februaru 2022. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-staff-osce-begins-pullout-donetsk-eastern-ukraine-2022-02-13/ ...the others followed the suit: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/13/it-is-past-time-to-leave-ukraine-western-diplomats-flee-kyiv
  20. If it was "highly likely" it could be salable. Then, come back...
  21. "Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, a growing number of Russians have looked to Thailand as their ticket to a new life."? What a surprise? Haven't we read it here many times? The finding based on what? The Russians pouring into Thailand? If seeing foreign arrivals, it's no big figure, far lower - less than half - than years before pandemic. http://www.atta.or.th/?p=4019 And currently , seeing e.g. on: https://www.thaiwebsites.com/tourists-nationalities-Thailand.asp Beside the Asians, the Russians are behind UK, US, not much more than Germany, France. Is it so significant with their 150 M population and war waging?
  22. There is no opposition party left. Most of them were finished last year. Of course on the pretext they were pro-Russian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/20/ukraine-suspends-11-political-parties-with-links-to-russia And just yesterday one of the remaining in up-country: https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/ukrainian-courts-ban-russian-aligned-party-of-regions (The most known leader Medvedchuk - who was jailed and later exchanged - was seen yesterday in the audience at the Putin's speech)
  23. You seem to be a real expert on the right info not only on the war(s) but also on Thailand: Thailand does have a social security system - everybody knows it under Pakhaan Sankom. And this system protects its citizens - among other problems - from an economic downturn as it was heavily applied during the pandemic. Few months ago I mentioned here few details about that, debunking a similar (usual) silly comment. And even now there are some contributions for travelling as for reviving local tourism to substitute for the foreign arrivals. Does it exist in other developed countries? Not many falangs know about that, do they care about that? And if they have a wife/GF and she knows it, perhaps she rather keeps quiet in order not to reduce her monthly income getting from her husband/BF.
  24. That was not the point of the unpleasant Chinese question, but never mind. Anyway, it seems that whatever you don't like to read, anything ridiculous or deflecting you need to tell us. Are you on full duty 24/7?
  25. Why not to show his speech in full as it is by The Telegraph on: (the auto-generated subtitles in any language can be set in settings) Then, everybody has the chance to fact-check by himself (aren't we big boys - and girls?)...
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