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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. And window 4: Affidavit from your embassy. No 800k in bank and no need to send 65K every month. I know, US, Canada, UK, AUS not more doing them.
  2. What will suffer the most is the property market. If you bring in your hard earned money and will be taxed here, many will think twice before buying anything here plus there are hundreds of new condo towers going up. Who is buying all those apartments? The Chinese? Forget about. I read that they are selling everywhere their properties, US, Canada, Europe and Thailand. The new PM, ex CEO of a real estate company will get soon some calls to relax. Interesting times ahead.
  3. Oh dear. I have never heart TAT promoting Thailand as the cannabis paradise.
  4. I never saw a single of those shops with any client. Close to my condo, a new shop opened a few months ago. Never a client. Suddenly they are also selling beer, still no client and now they provide visa service for farang and still nobody. A 10 min walk away, there are 5 shops on a 200 m stretch. In my opinion, most of those shops opened to clean some dirty money. Perfect place for money laundering.
  5. What's about the ones who apply beginning 2024 for a retirement visa and send 800k over and then whatever he needs to live here on a monthly basis. Will those 800k be taxed straight away? Interesting times ahead.
  6. You do not need hlb. Go straight onto the BOI/ltr website, register and do your application. I didn't use any agent and from start to getting the visa it took less then 3 weeks.
  7. RafPinto


    Bread Pitt, a good actor, I think.
  8. Thailand wants to be the "HUB" of everything. F.ex.: Health Hub Imagine the following: A rich Arab (I see them always in private hospitals) decides to come to Thailand for a major surgery and it will take a few surgeries over a period of, let's say 7-12 months. Surgery plus and all other expenses go into a the millions. Again, let's say 5million Baht. As he/she stays over 180 days, they will be tax residents and for the honour of spending 5 million Baht, they have to pay heavy taxes. Forget about this Thailand. You will lose more then you gain.
  9. Means something to me as I can read company results with my background as an Economist.
  10. NO Share price has to go up by 2,2% (not including the re-investment of dividends) to break even but I collect the yearly dividend. Hold them for 7 years already and am now on a 8,4 dividend. If figuring in all dividends I reinvested, I am well well above. You only lose when you sell. For the moment it is a slight paper loss. If selling now, adding all money re-invested from dividends, I am over 60% up.
  11. For freehold, copy of certificate of ownership of apartment/condo in applicant’s name (Or.Chor. 2) AND copy of the sale and purchase agreement of the condominium unit (Or.Chor. 16 or 23) issued by Department of Land. For leasehold, copy of leasehold agreement issued by Department of Land. For investment on other properties such as owning a villa or a land lease, kindly submit the official sale and purchase agreement which indicates the purchase value of the property OR/AND the land deed which has your name as the owner of the Usufruct property right or leaser
  12. Heard already about average in. I bought many times f ex my LGEN shares and am close to break even but collect the 8,xx and bank on lower inflation and that the BOE starts lowering interest rates again. Analyst have a target price for LGEN between 280-335 pence. Actually around 228 pence.
  13. As far as I understand, you register the 30 years usufruct. Not sure is that counts as a 30 year lease.
  14. NO Do you know someone who is retired at 50 and is drawing a pension? I got accepted and do not draw any pension. Personal income under LTR : Wealthy Pensioners’ definition is “unearned income such as a pension, rental, capital gain, dividend, etc”. Earned income (salary) will not be considered eligible income for LTR: Wealthy Pensioners application.
  15. You're only at a loss if you bought the share double the price they are now with half the yield. If you buy now, chances that a good company drops another 50% are very low and your take now your higher dividends. All about timing the market. The ones who bought f ex Shell during Covid are now 160% up. Buy when others sell and sell when everyone goes in. I'm soon out of Shell as I see better opportunities now.
  16. True. For this reason I invest for the long term. LGEN for example a very reliable dividend payer which increase the last few years dividend by 5% and have already stated to do this for the next 2 years. Didn't cut dividend even during Covid. Strong brand name. Yes, share price is down but that's because now banking and insurance companies are not the flavour of the month. Buying now pays around 8,5 % dividend. If share price goes down and dividend pay date, I get more share for my money. Was the same with my other heavy invest which I never sold. From 24£ down to 9£ during Covid and now close to 26£ again. Dividend around 4% Invest for the long term and if dividends not needed to be withdrawn, reinvest and compound. Just the dividend they pay at the moment compounded repays your investment in 8.xx years. If they continue to increase the dividend at 5%, your principal is re-payed much earlier. I'm happy to hold them for a very long time and now considering to sell my Shell investment at we are not far from all-time high, paying 4% dividend. LGEN, once again in flavour has an upside potential of 30% plus and the juicy dividend of 8% plus. Investing longterm and not gambling short term is my politics.
  17. No again: You do not have to be retired. Can be done from age 50. Can be retirement income or rental income, dividends etc. Plus you have the option of income of 40K$ plus investing 250$ in real estate here. Either a condo or house on a 30 year lease for the land.
  18. Doesn't need to be a pension. Can be passive income like rental income, dividend payments etc.
  19. Imagine you compound your 8% paying dividends. In 8 years, your invested money is doubled. For ex.: My biggest investment has increase dividend by 5% the last few years and has already stated that it will continue to do so for the next 2 years.
  20. F ex: BAT Vod LGEN Aviva Imperial Brands Phoenix Groups Holdings M&G Taylor Whimpey
  21. Not so difficult. There are a few FTSE 100 companies who pay 8% and plus a year dividend.
  22. Wrong: if you go for the "wealthy pensioner visa: either 80k$ a year or 40k$ a year but must have for example a property here for at least 250k$ Can also be a house if you have a "30year lease on it"
  23. You pay 50,000 the day you get your LTR visa stamp into your passport. Initial stamp is for 5 years, renewable after 5 years for another 5 years. Total cost 50k including multiple re-entry permits for the lifetime of the visa.
  24. You can't see the benefits? A lump sum for a 10 year visa at 50,000Baht including multi re-entry permits. Against: 10x1900 Baht visa renewal = 19000Baht 10x1000 Baht re-entry = 10000Baht (presuming it is a 1 re-entry permit only). 10x500 Baht taxi to and from airport (my case)= 5000Baht Bank fee for statements: let's say 200x10=2000 Total expenses= 36000Baht Interest at 1% on 800k= 8000Baht 8000x10=80,000Baht TOTAL=80.000-36000 Baht expenses 44.000BAHT PLUS LTR: One off payment of 50,000Baht Withdraw your 800k Invested at 8%= 64000x10= 640000 baht Against: LTR: 50000-10(64000)= 590000 BAHT plus in your bank LTR against one year visa: 590000-44000= 546000 I am not even talking about multi-entry fee. Not talking of cost to visit your bank yearly for the paperwork. Not talking about using an agent. Not talking about 3 monthly reports. Not talking about taking passport pictures and and and For me, It was a no brainer to apply for the LTR.
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