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Everything posted by RafPinto

  1. Those flowers they take and no discrimination against any colour.
  2. Thailand is a rich country. With the billions they made with tourism over decades, they have the moral obligation to help their own people and not looking for local and international donations whilst the leaders fill their pockets.
  3. That's what they say. Wait when they opened the country and the numbers skyrocket. Who to blame? Farang, as usual.
  4. Sorry: freedom of movement? When I was young, we had a bike. We had freedom and exercise at the same time. Youth is just lazy nowadays.
  5. If they could drive from sofa to kitchen by motorbike, they would do it.
  6. Go on Facebook and join the "Bad Driving in Thailand" group. Crazy how they drive.
  7. I don't believe that nobody high up new about this. It is forbidden to export gloves and it was a very high quantity. Some high ranking people have their hands again in this pie.
  8. They come already in all kind of flavours: Strawberry, banana etc. Hit of the day: The natural flavour and you pay only 50% of the original price.
  9. Have to tell that the GF Every morning, she smears some egg in her face.
  10. And what's about all people who got those rubb.... Chinese vaccines. Probably the same as taking a M+M's chocolates to treat a high feever.
  11. https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/delta-plus-variant/ Can't be just 1 case in Thailand. Where did he get it from. Did he infect people around him?
  12. What's about the millions of people (thais and foreigners) who signed up for Moderna. None has been vaccinated yet. Another lie, another fake news.
  13. A proper bike should be fine but not a motorbike. Would give them some exercise.
  14. And many here are just lazy to walk 100m. Why walking if you can take the motorbike.
  15. Forget about the "Moderna" as a booster. Plenty of ppl have paid for months but still not received their vaccine. The first batch of Moderna arrives soon but a very little number and a lot of it goes to the Thai Red Cross.
  16. Get a proper booster. I had in July my first AZ and last sunday my 2nd one.
  17. Forget the Chinese. They are not coming. Forget the Ruskies. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3153494/coronavirus-northern-china-battens-down-contain-outbreaks
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