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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. I brought my own condo with me -- but that was a while ago when the excess baggage fees weren't so high.
  2. As I first said when living in rural North Florida: If you didn't bring it, it ain't there.
  3. 02/16/25 6:00 AM ET The House GOP’s budget resolution could be in jeopardy of not clearing the full chamber amid concerns from moderates over likely cuts to social safety net programs — particularly Medicaid — with a handful undecided on whether they will support the key measure. Reps. David Valadao (R-Calif.) and Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.) — both of whom represent districts with a significant percentage of Medicaid recipients — told The Hill that they are withholding support from the budget resolution as they seek more information on the severity of the cuts and how they could impact their constituents. <SKIP> “There’s only one place you can go, and that’s Medicaid. That’s where the money is,” Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho), who sits on the Energy and Commerce Committee. “There’s others, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re gonna get to $900 billion, something has to be reformed on the Medicaid front.” https://thehill.com/homenews/5146860-gop-budget-resolution-moderates-medicaid/
  4. They can always use the 65K+ per month int'l deposit route which requires no balance in the account but that does not afford the same ability to let others know how clever they are.
  5. And as per Section 35 of the Immigration Act (1979) as you roughly reference above, if a 'competent official' chooses to waive the nominal extension requirements, he or she is allowed to do so to the tune of 2000 baht as stipulated in item 3 of the Immigration Act (1979( fee schedule.
  6. Yes and even if that interpretation of Section 35 of the Thai Immigration Act (1979), the fee for a Section 35 extension is specified at Rate of fees, working fees, and other expenses _________________ Fees _________________ (3) Application for extension of temporary stay in the Kingdom under Section 35, per person, each time 2,000 baht.
  7. Right -- so when the office chief gets a payment from a "reputable agent" in assisting a non-funded extension of stay, where does that money go -- into his or her own bank account or a convenient others name (animal reference) bank account?
  8. That depends how you choose to interpret the words 'financial crime' in the OP.
  9. Of course going the non-funded agent route for a retirement extension is illegal . If it were legal, you wouldn't need an agent.
  10. The judge in the Adams case (Dale Ho) is not obligated to dismiss the charges against Mayor Adams even at the prosecution's request as the indictment was the product of a Federal grand jury
  11. To the above, seems to me that is the nature of the beast. Health insurers do little if any corroboration of the medical statements presented by a potential policy holder upon application. They will only start any real investigation when presented with a claim. If no claim has been presented, then, to them, what is the difference?
  12. What if they don't have an underwriter? Explaining Reinsurance in Healthcare (Yet) including high-risk individuals negatively impacts companies’ efforts to provide services for all customers. Reinsurance allows providers to balance these needs. Rather than taking on all the risk, they only bear responsibility for a portion, with reinsurers accepting the rest. Why Do Healthcare Providers Need It? Reinsurance in healthcare allows providers to operate without the fear of suddenly taking on more expenses than they can handle. This certainty means more consistent customer premiums, as insurance companies don’t have to raise rates to make up for a substantial loss. Maintaining lower premiums means insurance (and healthcare, by extension) is accessible to more people. https://www.amwins.com/resources-insights/article/explaining-reinsurance-in-healthcare
  13. This is just a put-on related to the Harris-Kavanaugh hearing when then Sen. Harris had this re abortion any opinion: “Can you think of any laws that give government the power to make decisions about the male body?” she asked. Kavanaugh froze for several seconds before responding, “I'm happy to answer a more specific question.” “Male versus female,” Harris replied. After a back and forth, Kavanaugh told Harris, “I'm not thinking of any right now, senator. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/kamala-harris-brett-kavanaugh/story
  14. Oh -- you mean the USofA does not have hundreds of billions of dollars that they do not know what to do with??
  15. The fund’s formal name is the Government Pension Fund Global. The fund invests only abroad so that the Norwegian economy does not overheat. About the fund The Government Pension Fund Global was established after Norway discovered oil in the North Sea. The fund was set up to shield the economy from ups and downs in oil revenue. It also serves as a financial reserve and as a long-term savings plan so that both current and future generations of Norway get to benefit from our oil wealth. The fund in brief In 1969, one of the world’s largest offshore oilfields was discovered off Norway. Suddenly we had a lot of oil to sell, and the country’s economy grew dramatically. It was decided early on that revenue from oil and gas should be used cautiously in order to avoid imbalances in the economy. https://www.nbim.no/en/
  16. I am not interested in TrustPilot reviews. I only responded to how reinsurance markets work in Nevis.
  17. From Gemini AI: Captive insurers in Nevis can access reinsurance markets directly, purchasing coverage at wholesale rates. This is because captives are essentially insurance companies. Captives can purchase reinsurance coverage directly from the global reinsurance market. ********* “Since the enactment of the Nevis International Insurance Ordinance, 2004 (NIIO, 2004) and amendments, the jurisdiction has witnessed the steady, consistent growth of Nevis as a credible, regulated and transparent captive domicile in an increasingly competitive environment,” (Derek) Lloyd explained. https://www.captiveinternational.com/us-focus/nevis-continued-evolution
  18. The Bic razors sold in Thailand are made in Greece.
  19. And the new whore-in-chief -- easier looking at her than the years looking at her fellow Floridian the late AG Ms. Janet Reno.
  20. If the Trump DOJ wants to convene Federal Grand Juries to try to indict left wing Demos, Washington DC -- where Harris got 90% of the vote in 2024 -- might not be the best venue. Maybe try Amarillo, TX
  21. That's OK -- you can read page 4 this topic that Trump has fixed the border problem quickly so time to move on to something else.
  22. That's like former US Attorney Danielle Sassoon is a lefty pinko who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
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