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Everything posted by stratocaster

  1. And last year Nadine Dorries claimed 161,234 pounds in expenses.
  2. A mortgage monthly repayment 12 months ago was 989 pounds per week. This month repayment was 1,690 pounds. That is for a 300,000 pound house slightly up from the 225,000 average UK price. Yearly motor car insurance 12 months ago 438 pounds, this month 657 pounds for a Dacia Jogger the cheapest seven seater in the UK. My niece has a maximum no claims bonus, clean license, and pays 2,345 pounds for a 4 year old Audi TT up from last renewal of 1,766 pounds.
  3. Breaking news from the Daily Fail. Today the greatest prime minister since Winston Churchill was basking in the glory of turning a 7000 majority into a 495 majority. Taking the battle plan from his colleague Rees Mogg, from the 1860 faction of the Tory party, dishy Rishi pushed home the plan that perambulators over 50 years old should no longer have to have a man carrying a red flag in front. Local resident Mr Clint Abdulla said it was a victory for democracy that the great and deeply missed Boris Johnston had been returned to his rightful place as MP for Uxbridge and that other names. (some mistake surely). There were two other by-elections.
  4. An under discussed fact regarding CPTTC. The UK already had individual barrier free trade agreements in place with 10 of the 11 member states. The only new one is Malaysia. Headlines from the Malaysian Straits Times is that due to the UK joining CPTTC the 12% tariff on palm oil is to be removed. So the UK will allow unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly produce to enter Britain to the detriment of all the rape seed oil farmers who have to follow UK imposed rules. Still the good news is there, will be no farmers voting conservative in the by-elections.
  5. I wonder if Kemi Badenoch had a glance at a map to see where the CPTTC countries are located and where EU countries are. Now this is a trade deal. RCEP is a big deal, literally and metaphorically. When it’s signed off, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will create a free trade zone covering about 30% of the world’s gross domestic product, trade and population. It also marks the first time Japan has had an agreement with China and with South Korea. The Japanese government approved the deal at the end of April – and expects it to boost GDP by 2.7% and create more than half a million jobs.
  6. O the irony of it. The Daily Mail holding company have put down their loss in advertising revenue as due to reduced adverts from EU clients due to Brexit.
  7. Regarding Thai visa in Vietnam a guy did not realise he needed an appointment for HCMC which was first slot open in 12 days time. He went to Hanoi were a slot was available the next day. Hanoi refused to accept his Agoda booking for accommodation.
  8. From Vientiane consulate. Visa Application Hours:09.00 – 12.00 hours, Monday – Friday (except Thai & Lao official holidays) Visa Collection Hours:13.30 – 16.00 hours, 2 days after submitting the application, e.g. Monday submission, Wednesday collection; Friday submission, Tuesday collection
  9. I am a Brit and bank with RBC Jersey. They sent the same form to me as previously posted. Regarding TIN I just write reason A "Not Legally Required". I also have a Wells Fargo US account and they have a box to tick regarding TIN with "not legally required" as reason for no TIN.
  10. The problem with incidents like this is that they tend to have a knock on effect for all westerners. I have just watched a 15 minute report on Thai tv and the two words combined at least 100 times were "Pattaya Mafia". Big Joke, in his 1 minute interview, said that in future closer scrutiny will be given to people on retirement visas.
  11. Seeing the title can anyone tell me which visas are issued at counter N. Last time at CW I noticed that there were at least 50 Chinese all with their individual agents queuing up.
  12. Most super markets in the UK sell packs of what they call world beer which is three large bottles for 5 pounds. A well known UK aficionado has just done a review of one such pack containing San Miguel, Tiger and Singha. What was weird was the Tiger is brewed in Edinburgh by Heineken. The San Mig is brewed in Nottingham by Carlsberg and the Singha is brewed by Shepherd Neane in Kent. By the way the Singha won.
  13. Being watching a load of condo adverts on Thai TV and noticed that they no longer feature the interior shots of the units. They concentrate solely on the swimming pool area, the gym, the public spaces, the reception area, the view, the car parking etc, etc. I suppose as all units look the same there is no point featuring them.
  14. A crinkle cut Jaguar 1,400,000 baht. PS It is not pink it is heather.
  15. Luckily it is not a Toyota Yaris. My niece in the UK has discovered that it is the evaporator situated behind the dash that is leaking. Quoted 1,300 pounds to replace, as it entails dash removal. Looks like she will be driving with the windows open in future.
  16. Same sort of thing happened to my mate a while ago. The house balcony had a solid edge around it about 8 inches deep. There were 3 one inch drains fitted. During a monsoon rain the drains were plugged with leaves and the balcony filled with water resulting in it collapsing in to the lounge..
  17. Looking at the manufacturing process of the carbon fiber shell video again, it appears that they are using pre preg tape which would have absolutely required an autoclave to cure correctly and a controlled environment to apply. The method used is called hoop construction and should never be used in a pressure or vacuum system as there is no interface between the edges of the tape. Interesting to note that under the drum used to wind the tape on, are a pile of absorbent cloths to catch the resin oozing out of the tape.
  18. When I used to do visa runs to Laos my hobby was letting the Russian estate agents in the van try to sell me property. One of the best spiels was how I can buy with a 90 year lease which was transferable to a family member who would get a new 90 year lease. Another one was that lots of Moo Bhans are registered as condos so 49% of the houses can be purchased in the foreigners quota.
  19. The European Court of Justice on Thursday confirmed definitively that UK citizens lost their EU rights as a result of the 2016 Brexit referendum. The Court was ruling on three legal challenges on appeal after they were first rejected by the General Court of Justice. The three cases had been brought forward by UK nationals residing in the UK and EU member states who demanded that the court annul or partly annul the January 2020 decision by the Council of the EU to approve the Withdrawal Agreement. They claimed that the treaty and the Council's backing of it had deprived them of the rights they had exercised and acquired as EU citizens. But, like the General Court before it, the Court of Justice ruled that the loss of EU rights is an "automatic consequence of the sole sovereign decision taken by the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union, and not of the withdrawal agreement or the Council's decision."
  20. There was a quote on the TV that it was build with the same care as a kit car in a shed. This is a slur on people like me who built cars in our sheds to a standard far higher than the Titan.I had a hobby business in Thailand making carbon fibre parts for cars, so know a little about the material. The shell was constructed by winding a 2 inch wide strip of CF on to a tube with the interior diameter of the sub to a depth of 5 inches. The binder was applied with no precision, in fact a person can be seen squeegeeing the excess binder off which is squeezing out of the weave. It was laid up in a space with the large doors open, so no dust free or temperature control. No vacuum bag or autoclave system used. The most frightening thing to see is inserting the rings to connect the end caps to the shell using a two pack epoxy adhesive. This is mixed by hand with a lollipop stick. It is applied with a putty knife by hand with a guy up a ladder. You can see on the video where the epoxy is applied too thin in some areas and too thick on others.
  21. Ford RS2000 launch price in 1973 1586 pounds. Auction price last month 60,000 pounds. A bog standard Escort mk1 made 10,500 pounds.
  22. The Morris Marina was a total bitsa car. Not only was the front suspension from a Morris Minor but the remaining running gear was from the Triumph Dolomite. Some interior trim parts were from the MGB. Originally it was to use a small capacity 6 cylinder engine. Early cars suffered from chronic power-on understeer resulting in many nose in the hedge accidents. As the 6 cylinder engine was to be lighter this would have cured the problem When the coupe was designed, to save money they decided to use the original saloon front doors making entry to the rear available only to circus contortionists. Back on topic. I have never heard or seen an XJC in Thailand. They are becoming rare in the UK especially the V12. There are a few XJS in Thailand. In fact one is for sale. Unfortunately it has been converted into a boy racer with a hideous interior. Just been to see a Jaguar Mark 2. it is roughish, but a re-trim, paint job and re-chrome would see it all right. Unfortunately it is the least desirable as a 2.4 litre. If you twist the owners arm he is prepared to let it go for 3,000,000 baht.
  23. Unfortunately we will never know the real reason as since 2020 all parole board hearings are private. In 2021 the government amended the rule that if concerned persons made requests the hearing could be made public. In Pitchfork's case requests to make both his hearings public were denied by the parole board for the following reasons. a) Mr Pitchfork does not wish the hearing to be held in public. b) Due to the nature of his offending, to ensure Mr Pitchfork’s safety, his identity is only revealed when it is necessary, including within the prison estate. c) Mr Pitchfork has changed his name by deed poll twice to keep himself safe. d) The ongoing risk of serious harm to Mr Pitchfork is as a result of media attention. Significant threats of harm have been made to Mr Pitchfork and the Probation Service has ongoing concerns about vigilante incidents.
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