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Everything posted by Lorry

  1. I can't even post a link to the taxi guys who made it a business abducting, murdering and plundering arrivals at Don Meuang. I didn't want to scare tourists. Taxis are very safe. These guys have gone out of business already ( they made 2 mistakes: they abducted the wrong guy, and they failed to finish him off completely)
  2. Not safe for females (as Richard said). Most Thai women try to make it home on time because they are afraid to use a taxi at night. Tales of rape in the Thai news regularly. Safe for big tall strong-looking farang.
  3. Exactly. I certainly won't approach any decent Thai person for this ridiculous waste of time (amphoe is far away, it will certainly take a whole day). Juristic person sounds like a good solution. Good to know, thx. I wouldn't have thought that.
  4. If that's the case, all is well. In my country nobody will tell you or write to you that you owe taxes. You are supposed to know it by yourself. Very stiff penalties if you don't proactively pay because you don't know.
  5. OP is in Pattaya, the first two people answering seemed to know this. So we all recommend the same lab in Nakleua
  6. Thx. Yes, I got the blue housebook from the seller (actually she wasn't aware of it, but I was), and my name is not in it. So I can present it to the district office. The other requirements seem manageable. I know the tax is not much. I know it exists (from the news), but I have no idea how to pay it. And I really don't want problems for not paying or paying late.
  7. Link not working for me, hope it works for OP
  8. Naaah, there are more big cities in Thailand, not only Kalasin! I have heard Bangkok is even bigger a city than Kalasin...
  9. Hmmmm.... Then, why "big city"? Everything is relative. My Chinese girlfriend used to tell my European friends "I come from a small village". I asked her to tell them how many inhabitants her small village had. "About 100,000".
  10. Almost, give or take. ???? I guess the poster meant it is too large and outspread to manage it comfortably on foot if you are an elderly TV member.
  11. AFAIK not available as spray, neither glyceryl trinitrate nor isosorbide. Sublingual tablets are easily available OTC. Dosage of the spray: 1-3 puffs - you should have discussed this with your doctor! If you need it regularly, switch to oral tablets. It is pretty safe if you don't overdo it. Signs of overdosage: headache, dizzyness, rapid heartbeat, fainting. Don't drive, it makes you light-headed. Do not combine with viagra or cialis (and their generics), people die from doing this. 24 hours between nitro and these meds! Altogether, you should discuss this med with your doctor, and you should discuss your BP with him, too. Because your BP is not safe.
  12. Ahem...
  13. Your suspected diagnosis (blood vessels clogged) may be correct. You should visit a hospital. Get your history (all what you have written in your post) properly translated into Thai, written down, and show it to a doctor, not a nurse. That helps avoid misunderstandings about "banged your leg". The best ones in CM are Bangkok Hospital (expensive), Synphaet (private arm of the university hospital Maharat) and Ram. If money is a problem just go to Maharat hospital early morning (6am), be prepared for a lot of waiting. Need to speak Thai. I cannot recommend a specific doctor, but any hospital doctor should be able to do an initial examination from where to proceed. The problem is most probably related to either blood vessels or nerves. Those are treatable conditions.
  14. Since last year, condo owners have to pay a tax. No tax if you live in your condo. To prove this, you have to be registered in the yellow house book (in January of that year). My district office was very angry when i asked for a yellow housebook. They gave me a long list of things I have to bring them to get a tabien baan. First requirement that I have to bring them: tabien baan. (Not kidding. The list is in Thai and they ticked off, by hand, what they wanted to give me a tabien baan: first of all, they want a tabien baan) They were not in the mood to answer questions. I am sure I will have lots of fun with them. Anyone knows more about the tax situation? Is the tabien baan really necessary?
  15. There was that German guy who predicted this 200 years ago. But he is anathema in the Anglo-Saxon world.
  16. Transactions are consolidated if it's a much longer time, not just 4 months like in your passbook. I use a dedicated FD account with BBL, get the "letter for immigration" at the branch at CW on the day i go there, don't even look at whatever i get and never had a problem. Like Dickp. But you are right, they may invent a problem any time. Firstly, they must make the LTR visa attractive by harassing the paupers who just have some other extension. Second and more important, it is a basic concept of social control that the ruled should not understand the rules by which they are ruled. Immigration should not be a predictable, automatic procedure where the ruled (that's us) can calculate the outcome in advance. It must be an unpredictable maze (read Kafka). That makes it very clear who has power and who is powerless (that's us). Power is not: demanding reasonable things that the subject knows in advance. Power is demanding (and getting) unreasonable, nonsensical things, made up on a whim. Like nonsensical passbook updates. And then, if you kowtow, you may be pardoned (as you were). But the power has been exercised, and that's all it's about. You should read up on military sociology.
  17. As mentioned before: why do you live in a place where this is possible? I know places like this, and i wouldn't move in there. It's obvious before you even set foot in there what kind of people live there. In many places this would not be tolerated, LB would have disappeared very quickly. If you are a complete newbie and also insensitive to social clues, get someone to teach you what is a nice neighborhood and where you don't want to live. Some hints: go for condos of the big brand names (this has been said before); look at the balconies from outside (and the amount and kind of clothes hanging there); is the place beautiful and well kept so it attracts people who value this?; who is hanging out in front of the building? (hordes of motorcycle guys? Isaan mothers of working girls taking care of the kids? people drinking or smoking?); when you visit the place the first time who is there anyway? (if it's 3pm the place should be deserted, everybody should be at work) and and and...
  18. That was my thought, too, when I read OP. I find most toothbrushes here too hard, not soft enough.
  19. Valacyclovir is preferable because you don't have to take it so often. But Valacyclovir really is expensive. It is easily available in Thailand but probably not covered by SS. Normally, they use Aciclovir here.
  20. That's correct, but it has nothing to do with ear wax. Water is not wax. (My previous post was actually about water, causing inflammation) Doctor Tom is 100% correct. Removal of ear wax belongs to the same pseudo-hygienic unhealthy <deleted> that capitalist companies have brainwashed Americans with, like shampooing your hair daily (see another thread - why not shampooing every hour?), disinfectants to clean your living room and and and.... How did mankind survive before Procter&Gamble? Any ENT doctor regularly sees people who perforated their eardrum with cotton buds or other objects.
  21. I use BBL at CW and this year it was faster than ever, less than 10 minutes. Never 40 minutes. IO never asked to see activities (fixed deposit account for immi). This year, the bank offered me 2 kinds of letters: one, only the statement, same as every year. Another one, all activities (in my case, no activities). Both cost 100 or 200, I forgot. I was like, "which one is better???" and took both. When IO saw both letters, she was like, "which one is better???" and decided she liked the letter with the activities more. Gave me back the other one.
  22. The pharmacist at my local BigC is usually having a break, off duty, or not yet here.
  23. Yes. And buy a whole box of 800mg tablets, and a pill cutter. That reduces costs more. You will need 200mg 5 times a day, or 400 3 times a day. It is generally only recommended for outbreaks, not as a lifelong permanent medication.
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