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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. Bangkok already has several large entertainment complexes with gambling! They can just move the gambling out of the basement and they're set to go. 😂
  2. The words may be coming out of Srettha's mouth, but that's Thaksin speaking! This is 'war on drugs' 2.0. It seems that major decisions in Thailand always come from the Cabinet. What exactly does Parliament do?
  3. Probably ransomware. It'll be back up when they transfer some bitcoin to the hackers!
  4. My first car wasn't a V8, but it was still quite sporty! Mine had wire spoke wheels, but otherwise looked a lot like this one.
  5. ^Wasn't that a 'box of donuts' that actually had a stack of money 'accidentally' included! 🤣
  6. My wife is from Nakhon Sri Thammarat, which is considered by many to be the Wild West of Thailand. One of her uncles (a fishing boat captain) was shot and killed by an acquaintance many years ago. Also, as a young girl she saw a man shot and killed at a temple fair. The police later hunted down and killed the shooter. Another story involved a cousin of her grandmother, a very attractive young woman who fell in love with an outlaw who lived in the forest. He was eventually hunted down and killed by the police, leaving her alone with a young daughter. During her grandfather's funeral after dinner at her aunt's house, she told me that we had to leave, as her uncles were arguing and she was worried that someone would start shooting. I will say that this sort of thing seems to be much rarer in Bangkok though.
  7. That is an interesting example of how American and British have become so different from each other. If you go back several hundred years the past tense in English was -en rather than -ed. While English speakers adopted -ed for most words, a few retained the older -en form. In the 1600s, when my English ancestors moved from England to the Plymouth Bay Colony (now Massachusetts) all English speakers used gotten as the past tense of got. Sometime in the past 400 years the British dropped the -en while the Americans kept the original version of that word.
  8. The business owner was only 21?? She was probably recruiting the younger sisters of her school classmates!
  9. I see that the article carefully does not mention the political party of the the two MPs (they are members of BJT).
  10. I will eat my hat if "construction projects on Rama 2 Road, spanning nearly 50 years, were being addressed as per the prime minister's directive to complete them all within the next year." are actually finished within the next year!
  11. A couple of my wife's nieces married within the past 10 years. One had a simple country wedding at her Aunt and Uncle's house, (not us, another Aunt and Uncle) which cost about 100k with a dowry of about the same (which went back to the couple). The other one married a wealthy Thai-Chinese guy. I don't know what the wedding cost, but I suspect it was over a million. The dowry was a 20 million baht house in Bangkok. This one is my wife's real niece, the first was one of these related through marriage 'nieces'. So, 500,000 for a pair of working professionals, sounds about right.
  12. I went with my school's activity director, who is also the daughter of a military officer. I don't think I would have been allowed in on my own.
  13. I think I went years ago while scouting out a school field trip. I recall it being rather interesting if you like old planes (as I do!)
  14. Could you let us know which airline you work for? 😉
  15. It is always the captain's responsibility, even if it wasn't directly his fault.
  16. I think that the refugee problem is not a government vs rebels problem, it will be more that Burma will probably fragment into several areas that are controlled by different ethnic separatist movements. Ethnic Burmese or other minority groups will probably leave those areas and head to Thailand.
  17. I will eat my hat if that roadwork is completed by 2025! 2035 is more likely.
  18. I hope that I am wrong, but I suspect that Myanmar faces a choice between dictatorship and anarchy. Either way, Thailand can expect a flood of refugees coming across the border.
  19. The picture shows the fire at the stern of the boat, which is consistent with the fire starting in the engine room. [deleted]
  20. When I married, I was in my mid-forties and my wife was in her late thirties, with an ex-husband and a child. I paid zero sinsot, though I (actually my father) did pay for the wedding. When I asked her about the sinsot, my wife told me that it was not needed as this was not her first marriage. However, if her parents had still been alive, we would have been expected to send them some money every month.
  21. This is classic TRT 2.0. All of Thaksin's old policies are being brought back: Casino, crackdown on drugs, emphasis on nationalism/xenophobia... it's 2001 all over again! I wouldn't be surprised to see a massive increase in Visa/extension fees and a new Rice Scheme!
  22. The only way to screen out "bad people" or "scammers" is to require everyone entering the country to produce a current Criminal Background Check. This is obviously impractical (until AI is further developed) so all they can do is make it more difficult for everyone to enter the country!
  23. A Saudi friend once took me to the disco in the basement of the Grace Hotel. Believe me, some of those Arabs can really drink once they are away from the mullahs!
  24. You need about 15 kph of wind on a consistent basis in order for wind power to be economical. There are very few places in Thailand with enough wind to make wind power work. They should just put solar panels on top of every roof on the island - there is plenty of sunshine here!
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