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Everything posted by Callmeishmael

  1. The world has two options: The fortunes of the 5 richest men could support all of the poor elderly on Earth, OR the richer countries with declining birthrates can just continue importing the endless supply young workers from Africa and the middle east to replace the aging populations in the West.
  2. I was thinking the same, but remember "no matter how good looking and sexy a woman may be, somewhere a man is absolutely sick of all her s)*)(*!" 😁
  3. Right! The chin jobs make the look like the wicked witch of the west!
  4. One problem with these rental wives (or so I have heard 😜) is that they are often from the deepest, darkest, depths of Issan and don't know their way around Bangkok or other parts of Thailand that a tourist would want to visit!
  5. IMHO it would be highly inappropriate for any newscaster to publicly display any political bias. News should be factual and impartial. Those of you old enough to remember Walter Cronkite will probably remember that he never gave a clue as to his own political preferences.
  6. Easy peasy! Just slap a couple of packs of condoms and KY on the counter and then ask if she is free tonight! 😜
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 172 seconds  
  8. Don't most accident insurance policies have conditions that invalidate coverage? Like riding a motorcycle without a proper license?
  9. This is a classic carrot and stick approach. The EC is the stick and the Court is the carrot!
  10. ^ This! While there is no doubt that government bloat and inefficiencies could be cut, the kinds of drastic, wholesale deletions of complete government departments will lead to future health, environmental and financial disasters. The US Government is far from perfect, but it does work to keep children and working people safe and to restrain rapacious business practices. I believe that we are saving money now only to have to spend it in the future, cleaning up the mess the next 4 years will leave behind.
  11. Cutting government oversight departments always save money in the long run... Just ask the British how well that worked out when Margaret Thatcher deregulated parts of the Agriculture and Health Ministries, leading to the outbreak of Mad Cow Disease.
  12. It could have been worse... he could have actually married her!
  13. The current train system is decades overdue for overhaul and upgrading. For a fraction of the cost of building all new high-speed trains, they could double-track all the existing lines and upgrade the trains to run at 100 - 120kph. In addition to being cheaper than new high-speed trains, it could be done much more quickly.
  14. Or perhaps he felt nauseous and thought that he was going to have diarrhea. Nausea can be a symptom of a heat attack.
  15. When the Ratchayothin overpass was knocked down for the green line (or is it red line?) expansion, there were the usual delays, But then the traffic police for that area took a look at how traffic lights are handled in the US/UK/Australia/etc and changed from the usual 10 minute RYG cycles to strict 1 minute cycles. Consequently, the traffic wasn't that bad. You were always moving and could get through the light in no more than 2 or 3 fairly short red lights! Unfortunately, they seem to have completely forgotten how well that worked and have to back to the normal long, pointless red lights!
  16. I don't like to complain about the standards of journalism here, but this is just wrong. 499 baht is currently almost $17, not $14!
  17. Taxis in Phuket ans Samui haven't figured out how to turn on their meters. How do you think they will respond when they are replaced by pilotless drones. I think that they will break out the clubs and machetes long before these machines will take to the skies!
  18. Perhaps the court should be renamed : The Not-So-Supreme Court!
  19. How are they going to prove residency? Given Thailand's outdated Tabian Baan system many people who live in Bangkok are registered as living in Nakhon Nowhere.
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 82 seconds  
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 41 seconds  
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 92 seconds  
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 35 seconds  
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 48 seconds  
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