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Mac Mickmanus

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Mac Mickmanus last won the day on November 8 2022

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  1. Trump did tell all his supporters to remain peaceful and he did tell them to home home when things became a bit rowdy . It was just a legitimate demonstration that escalated and some of the demonstrators over stepped the mark a bit
  2. I do think that you missed the sarcasm . Joe Mancini is a Democrat and he was mentioned to point out corrupt Democrat Politicians
  3. That's a bit like getting plain boiled rice with Plain boiled noodles on top and seaweed on top of that and serving it to a White person and asking them how they like Yellow peoples food
  4. No, he did go to immigration and will get deported and banned from Thailand . The days of just paying 20 000 Baht for any length of overstay have long gone , long overstays these days are blacklisting from going back to Thailand for a number of years
  5. Thanks, that's handy to know . I was going to sell my property and flee to Thailand without telling or paying the taxman . I dont have to do that now
  6. U.K law says you should . Do you intend to not go back to the U.K ?
  7. If she's drinking large amounts of Lao Khao , then she will have a short life expectancy , many people are dead within three years of daily drinking that stuff
  8. What are you going on about ?
  9. Did you declare the income to the taxman ?
  10. Afghanistan was the Country where the terrorists had a safe haven and could arrange terrorists events and 9/11 was arranged by terrorists in Afghanistan . The invasion of Afghanistan was not a revenge attack for 9/11 and (that's why Saudi wasn't attacked) , it was to remove the Afghan terrorist sympathiser Afghan Government .
  11. This is a story about USA attacking Iran . Do you think that Trump/USA should have attacked Iran ? (Need to take into consideration how the USA attacking Iraq and Afghanistan went )
  12. How do the maga cult members feel about Trump running again in the next election ? As he has been POTUS for two terms now , wouldn't that means he's unable to run for third term in office , as two terms is the maximum ?
  13. I haven't been following the news much recently Is Donald Trump still USA President ?
  14. But at the end of the day, Trump did leave the Whitehouse voluntarily and he conceded his position to Joe Biden . This isn't the behaviour of a fascist , fascists remain in power and jail the opposition
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