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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. You could ask some other people who are in Chiang Mai ?
  2. Public lands across America, many of which remain closed to visitors due to the coronavirus pandemic, are being offered up to industry by the Trump administration. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), part of the Department of Interior, is pushing ahead with plans to lease hundreds of thousands of acres of public lands to fossil-fuel and mining companies – despite recent steep declines in oil prices and a glut of supply. The Department of the Interior is led by David Bernhardt, a former oil and gas lobbyist. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/trump-fossil-fuel-coronavirus-oil-price-fall-us-public-lands-a9493101.html
  3. It was the BLM that wanted to sell land to oil developers
  4. You really do not have the authority to speak on Trumps behalf and you aren't his spokesperson . It isn't true what you said about the debt being a tax grift to the rich , much of the debt was money given to pay for the Covid support of the people
  5. What Trump actually said was that it would be better for the USA to default now rather than in the future , because it would be worse in the future ,
  6. Reign means : 2 : the period of time during which someone is in charge of a group or organization
  7. The U.K wasn't able to serve Article 50 because it had to be passed through UK Parliament and the Remain M.Ps voted against it , so it couldn't be passed . The Remain M.Ps continually voted against everything with the hope that the Brexit vote would be overturned
  8. And had Trump won the last election, he would be approaching the end of his reign as POTUS
  9. I am not sure where the location of the conference was, but my point was that Trump spoke about the subject of reducing the National debt in the conference which is what this thread is about
  10. Trump spoke about the topic in the conference /O.P
  11. Although I seem to recall that he said "I think I could do it fairly quickly...I would say over a period of eight years," when speaking about reducing the deficit So , that isn't a promise , so he cannot be accused of breaking promises or lying in this instance
  12. You didn't say it anywhere , I said it
  13. There is also the health and safety issue , boiling hot coffee will scold people if spilt and that's why shops don't use boiling hot water
  14. Why didn't you speak to them in Thai ?
  15. Trump did state that he would decrease the National debt over the period of eighth years , the idea was to give tax cuts to people and that would spur the economy , then Covid came long and Trump wasn't able to continue his plan and he didn't serve eight years
  16. Customers sitting at seats waiting for their coffee to cool down are taking up space and stopping other customers sitting down and thats why they serve cool coffees instead of hot ones
  17. As you can see from the graph above , the national debt continued rising at its normal rate under Trump and only began to significantly increase when Covid hit . (Graph from your link)
  18. Coffee shops serve warm coffee and not boiling hot coffee because cups of boing coffee take time to cool down and that causes customers to sit around for longer and less business for the shop . You go to coffee shops for a coffee , you don't get a guaranteed smile with your coffee and staff shouldn't be forced to smile at customers
  19. Although $3.7 Trillion of Trumps debt was due to Covid relief measures
  20. I do recall the topic of the USA's debt coming up about 20 years ago and the USA's solution seemed to be to spend more and increase the debt . You don't need to be an economist to realise that you cannot just keep in creasing the debt . POTUS just seem to keep spending and increasing the debt and just passing it onto the next POTUS
  21. People keep asking him questions about it and he replies
  22. Its worth noting that the Ann Frank diaries were not banned or removed in Florida and a different book ABOUT Ann Frank got removed from school libraries because of the sexually explicit content and not enough focus on the Holocaust (in that book) https://www.foxnews.com/media/anne-frank-novel-banned-florida-school-sexually-explicit-content-minimization-holocaust
  23. The World is a very different place to what it was in the 1950's and the World has moved on and it wont be going back to the 1950s again anytime soon . The policies that worked in the 1950s wont necessarily work today
  24. The cost comes up on the screen and it asks whether you want to proceed and you press Yes or No A quick websearch brings this info up https://findyouthere.com/using-atms-in-thailand-rates-limits-and-more/#:~:text=The ATM fee per transaction,150 Baht per ATM transaction.
  25. I was thinking about the future and future policies and what should be done, rather than what has happened in the past
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