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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. That is quite typical of how teenagers behave , 15, 16., 17 year olds . They usually grow out of that by the time they grow up and get to the age when they go to bars and things
  2. Why didnt you just take her out for the day and not bother playing golf ?
  3. These are the latest figures , your figures are a bit dated chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/14644638/2-19072022-AP-EN.pdf
  4. Why would that be the highlight of a game of golf ?
  5. Well all the Developed E.U Countries have a higher inflation rate than the U.K .................except for Belgium and Spain.......................and Ireland..........and the Netherlands .and Luxembourg .
  6. Its not a rip off though . He could have seen the price in the menu or asked the price before he ordered . Its not a rip off
  7. Photos and videos from waterfalls and other dangerous places look quite good on social media and friends are in awe of how brave they are standing in dangerous places/situations . Sometimes it doesn't go to plan
  8. Yes, and I posted another link to show that , that didnt seem to work . Here is another link from the U.K Gov to show E.U inflation is currently 9.6 % (Which is higher than the U.K's) UK inflation, as measured by the CPI, was 9.4% in the year to June, EU inflation was 9.6% in June, up from 8.8% in May. E https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02794/
  9. Do stop using false equivalents , first you used the figures for G.7 and now you are using figures for the Eurozone . I am talking about the E.U . Comparing the U.K to all the other E.U Countries in regards to inflation rates , the U.K would be the 16 th highest and with the 9 th lowest inflation rates . So you suggestion that Brexit has been detrimental to the U.K economy is just plain wrong , because other E.U Countries are worse off than the U.K (And BTW , here's another non Chinese site that also gives the 9.6 % E.U inflation rate ) chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/2995521/14644638/2-19072022-AP-EN.pdf
  10. Ha ha , false equivalence . G7 members include non E.U Countries such as Japan, USA and Canada . You compared the U.Ks inflation rate to non E.U Countries to suggest that Brexit is the reason for the U.Ks high inflation rate and they are faring better . If you compare the U.K's inflation rate to the rest of the E.U , you will see that the U.Ks inflation rate is lower than the E.Us European Union's annual inflation hits record 9.6% in June https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-07-19/European-Union-s-annual-inflation-hits-record-9-6-in-June-1bNqXrKcXKg/index.html
  11. Whether its the other Ministers who cast a vote or whether is Conservative party members who cast the vote , its irrelevant to my point that a vote is cast . My point is that they are democratically voted for . The people who are eligible to participate in those votes are irrelevant to my point
  12. Yes, along with all the Ex-pats with their 800 000 Baht sitting in their Thai bank account and any money they earn in Thailand , needs to be subjected to U.K taxes . Its only fair
  13. I assumed that you were . Are you in favour of a higher taxation or do you favour lower taxation ?
  14. As you are in favour of high taxation , will you be voting Conservative in the next election ?
  15. Didnt he post on these forums about moving to Central America ?
  16. The fact that you seem rather proud about breaking someone else's property , says quite a lot about you . Its common decency to treat things respectfully and not to break them . The bikes owner may have left his bike in his room with the intention of being back shortly and then couldn't get back to Thailand due to Covid restrictions and the owner emptied his room and left the bike outside . You seem rather proud of yourself for ruining his bike , maybe you will meet him again in the future ?
  17. It doesn't need to be "fixed" . That is how democracy works . Its only in places with no democratic process where all Politicians have the same opinion and opposing vires are unwelcome and clamped down on . Dictatorships are Countries where everyone has the same opinion and different views are not tolerated .
  18. Yes, and I replied to another poster who stated the same thing and my answer also applies to you . Its not really relevant as to whether the Ministers or Conservative members vote , the point was that the Politicians in question voice there opinion and those eligible to vote . they cast their vote . Whether they be other Ministers or Party members is beside the point , point being that a vote is cast by voters who decide which candidate they think is most suitable
  19. Add to that : Council tax , National insurance , V.A.T and probably a few other taxes as well , T.V licence , car tax
  20. This is an internal vote by the Conservatives to elect their new leader and thus not open to everyone . Of course people who vote Labour cannot vote in this "election" , otherwise they would vote for the candidate which suits them best
  21. Well yes, but the same principals still apply . Whoever gets to cast the vote isn't such a relevant issue
  22. Gold is the same price that it was ten years ago
  23. There are plenty of coin launderettes around and theres usually always a machine available . Washing powder ,works out about 5 Baht per wash . If you have issues handling your own unclean clothes , maybe you need to wash them more often . Its not necessary to sit and wait for the wash to finish , just come back in one hour . This finished laundry has been spin dried , so its more damp than wet Hang the washing on a washing line and its dry within a few hours . No need to iron most clothes as they dry unwrinkled
  24. Same situation still applies . Both candidates will state their opinion and policies and the ministers will vote on which one they agree with and the person with the most votes will be the new PM . That is is the very essence of democracy . Different people with different opinions and voters decide on which one will be successful .
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