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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. Try this . The people who are anti abortion and pro death sentence have an opinion that one person should have the right to take another's life, either by abortion or murder . Then if the state rules that a persons crimes are so terrible, (usually multiple murderers) then they accept whatever punishment the state decides the crimes warrant . The death penalty is usually only given when the offender has taken numerous other peoples lifes
  2. I didnt say it was . I used the word "life" . The "person" whom I was referring to , was someone other than the living unborn baby , but an abortion would end that unborn babies life
  3. I didn't realise that Woman are no longer allowed to have abortions on medical grounds , I do disagree with laws overturning Doctors opinions
  4. Me either, that would take a lot of contemplating and thinking about
  5. If a doctor has given an opinion that it would be better for an abortion on medical grounds, I don't think that the law should intervene and over rule the medical opinion and force the endangered Woman to continue with the pregnancy
  6. I haven't been following he case too closely , Have abortions on medical grounds been banned ? I though the topic was females who got pregnant and just didn't want the baby and so aborted it . I didn't realise that Females who have medical conditions that could harm with her or the baby have been banned from having abortions . If a Doctor gives an opinion that the pregnancy could be harmful to the Mother , then yes the abortion should be allowed . I didnt realise that abortions on medical grounds have been banned
  7. "No . She wasn't a prostitute , I just met her in a bar and she was well up for it , she was so attracted to me, we had sex on the first night, she couldnt wait to get home and I didn't even pay her for sex, just gave her 1500 Baht to get a taxi home "
  8. Yes, those are anomalies , once again using the extreme cases for general occurrences . We aren't talking about abortions on medical grounds where the woman could be harmed if she went ahead with the pregnancy We are talking about general normal pregnancies where there is no risk to the woman or unborn baby
  9. Well show some self respect and stop replying to people with an "extreme woman hating agenda " and my "extreme misogyny" .
  10. As you haven't retracted you allegation that I have an "extreme woman hating agenda", I will not continue with the discussion with you .
  11. Oh really ? If my views are extreme , what is the moderate view for ways females can avoid getting pregnant and thus wanting abortions ? Taking the pill to avoid pregnancies is extreme and myopic ?
  12. Could be that the promoter have thousands of unsold tickets and was unable to reduce the ticket price , so it was "arranged" for a celebrity to buy the access tickets and sell them off at a cheaper price , that way the tickets get sold and the promoter hasn't lowered the ticket price
  13. Once again, that it just YOUR opinion and you don't speak for "most people". I have a view that if Woman doesn't want to get pregnant, they shouldn't let sperm enter their womb . You may find that to be an extreme woman hating point of view , but to me its lost logic and nature
  14. Go yo Youtube and do a search for the videos you want to watch , then similar subject will be recommended to you
  15. I do resent that remark and completely disagree with it and I will not continue the discussion, unless you retract that false allegation . You made that false allegation , then I am either left to ignore and and could be seen as condoning it or left to deny the allegation and somehow prove that I don't "hate woman" . So, ether retract that allegation or the discussion ends
  16. Why is it "offensive" ? Unless there is a rape , why wouldn't it be her choice as to whether she gets pregnant or not ? If She doesn't want to get pregnant, then all she has to do is avoid measures that may result in her getting pregnant
  17. Yes, and its seems that its the people who are so annoyed and upset about Boris attending a party , it was those very same people who completely ignored those same rules the previous summer
  18. You alone came to that conclusion that it must be "Religion" , "most" people didn't come to that conclusion . Its a person choice as to whether she gets pregnant or not , that is her choice to make , once she's decided to get pregnant she needs follow through and give birth . If She doesn't want to get have a child and be pregnant , then don't get pregnant and have a child . Getting pregnant and then not having a Child shouldn't be an option . Its the woman's choice as to whether she gets pregnant or not
  19. OK fair enough, lets talk about Boris attending a party a few years ago again as thats the limits of everyone's comfort zone
  20. It really is nothing to do with Left Wing /Right Wing or Religion . Not sure why some people need to divide everything up to be either Left or Right . This subject is about whether you agree with abortion or not
  21. They will be labelled as being something different through the stages of living, but they still have life when they aren't yet born . They are still alive when aborted and the abortion ends that life
  22. But you are still denying a future person their life .
  23. "Exposes" "make (something) visible by uncovering it." So his post was exposing that Boris went to party a few years ago ? Everyone is well aware of that story , no need to keep repeating it
  24. This thread is about the Conservatives UK local election losses . I cannot say why people voted against the local Conservatives , buts its highly likely because of the food shortages , 8 % inflation and surge in the cost of living and NOT because Boris went to a party a few years ago
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