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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. A Woman can choose as to whether she wants to have a baby or not by either allowing or not allowing sperm to enter into her womb . She needs to make the choice before she gets pregnant , rather than getting pregnant and then deciding whether she wants to have a baby or not . Like : Want a baby > have unprotected sex Don't want a baby > Have protected sex She needs to decide that before she opens her legs
  2. Errrrrm , the topic of this thread is abortions . People having sex without precautions causes pregnancies and abortions . Which makes my post to be on-topic
  3. That did used to happed frequently on facebook about 10-15 years ago , just a trip to the local shop and they would post about 20 photos of every aspect and post photos of everything they ate . No one seems to do that anymore , when they realised that no ones really bothered about what they had for lunch
  4. No, I am talking about males and females who regularly have sex without precautions and just get an abortion when a pregnancy occurs . Quite a few posters on this forum take pride in not wearing a condom
  5. OK, there are some guys that pay extra to have condom free sex and expect their friend to have an abortion if she gets pregnant , their only concern is having condom free sex and no concerns about her consequences or his unborn child being blended before birth
  6. I do think that Females should become a bit more acquainted with males, before they decide to reproduce and there are laws (in the UK ) which require fathers to financially contribute to their offspring
  7. I am just asking whether there is much of a difference between aborting a 24 week old unborn baby or killing a 24 week old baby . What is the difference ? Less than a year . (As stated above , abortions are carried out in a similar way that blending food is)
  8. Three news reports all from the same source and year (2017) Females can take the pill if they want to avoid getting pregnant
  9. That is how abortions are carried out , foetus are blended whilst inside the womb and then sucked out , just like how a food blender works
  10. Are those the survey results from the weekly group meeting at the 69 Bar in Pattaya watching the Saturday night football ?
  11. Yes, some people feel that its perfectly acceptable to put their unborn child into a blender and abort it , I disagree with that .
  12. Lets keep on topic and discuss Boris's holiday in Rwanda
  13. A lifetimes supply of Typhoon tea bags and HP sauce and a bit on the side occasionally
  14. Right , so if everything that he says is a lie , then if he admitted he was lying , that would make it to be true and not a lie ?
  15. I was getting involved with the "me luv you long time " girls when I was about 19 or 20
  16. You were a lot older , in your 50's when you got into the scene , I was merely an innocent just out of my teens inexperienced youngsters when I first experienced it
  17. Right, so then , if he confirmed that it was true , then that would mean that it was untrue ? I am just trying to see the logic in your reasoning
  18. "Dob solob salah " was a phrase that I used to hear often back then . Don't hear that much nowadays
  19. Six large Chang and short time isn't really a good combination , (If you know, you know)
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