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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. The terror attack is now being treated as an Islamic terror attack "Oslo shooting: Norway attack being treated as Islamist terrorism, police say" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61933817 Edit : C&Ped it and the letters came up that size
  2. There maybe some laws against it . I recall when they were filming "Borat" , they needed to get everyone who appeared in the movie, their permission to be filmed
  3. Quite often the filmer tries to provoked the filmed into extreme reactions , it makes for more views when someone gets angry and annoyed
  4. A nanny state is a Country where the Government interferes with peoples personal choice . Surely it should also be someone's personal choice as to whether someone else films them and puts the video footage on public display for the world to see ? People should be allowed to photo and film what they want , but also people should have the choice whether they want to be photographed and filmed or not
  5. Opposite the Ramming hotel ? Still open, some of the girls went back to the village during the pandemic and some stayed . There is a woman who sits outside a bar a few doors down , she offers everything in a room upstairs
  6. I used to love walking around the hotel at the back , 15 floors or dark corridors , it was like a 1970's spy movie . Will the hotel and swimming pool on the 6 th floor be closing as well ?
  7. Could harm his business as well . Customers not wanting to go into bars where vloggers film and also girls not wanting to work there for the same reason . The Canadian Vlogger who went to the bars in CM and stuck his camera into peoples faces and said to the girls "I make video" , "You be on youtube" , was really awkward with the girls asking him in for a drink thinking he was a customer and he films them for a few minutes and walks away to the next bar and also tells the girls that hes married . Just seemed all rather unpleasant
  8. I haven't worn a mask for four months, but even now I check when I go out . Money . Tick Travel card .Tick . Keys . Tick . Mask.................oh yeah, don't need one
  9. Yes people who spend their life in a Council house, end up paying (in rent) about three times what it would cost to buy the property . For example : Property costs $ 1000 to buy , Council tenants pay $ 3000 rent over the course of their life and end up dead with no assets .
  10. I do think that putting landlords in the highest tax bracket and making rental properties have an EPC C rating began the rental housing crisis
  11. Replying to your post that mentioned that era
  12. Yes, I did reply to your post when you mentioned Brexit , but I dont think that should be the subject of this thread and it shouldn't be mentioned again . This thread " The Pounds exchange levels today compared to 2019" When people keep going on about Brexit for no reason, the posts often get deleted
  13. Move on , Brexit is off topic and it will get deleted . This thread is about the Pound rate from 2019 -2022 .
  14. There have been various genocidal meglomaniacs in history and I just wanted confirmation of which one you were referring to .
  15. There are many foreigners on this forum who boast about being unfaithful to their partner/Wife . Actually, I can't ever recall anyone ever saying that they are faithful to their partner . always seem to have a bit on the side
  16. The Pound is still at the same exchange rate as it was five years ago, pre Brexit and the Brexit vote wasn't about getting lots of Baht for peoples pension money in Thailand
  17. I really don't want to get into a discussion of where immigrants come from and discussions about whether some people are British or Foreign , as its sounding rather racist , but about 6.3 million E.U Citizens registered for a UK settlement visa in the last few years, which is quite a lot more than Indians/Pakistanis living in the U.K
  18. So, you will never know as to why he bought the subject up . I only replied because his figures were wrong
  19. Just scrolled back to a post made by Candide about an hour ago and he made the claim that there were more Indian/Pakistani immigrants than there are immigrants from the E.U , and I gave him the figures to show that his info was incorrect
  20. I will just scroll back and see how the subject arose . Wait right there , I will be back in a minute
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