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Everything posted by HappyGoLuckyLife

  1. I'm currently 5'10" 230 lbs (hitting down to an even 200 before next October). She is 4'11" and about 130.
  2. While we plan to get a car when we get settled in Thailand, we would still like scoot for short trips. Looking around to see what maxi scoots are available in Thailand and if it would be best to go use since it's for puttering around. Looking for something we could add side storage for things like visiting the fresh market, etc. Local driving only.
  3. The topic of mental health has been a subject that's been avoided serious discussion in SEA. It's time we bring it to light.
  4. Looks like we'll be waiting. Don't really mind the insurance, but if we're vaccinated, would prefer to simply go to our destination.
  5. Sending them home or what have you doesn't solve the root issue of their being a lack of employment opportunities at the moment. Hoping that changes in the near future.
  6. Why not get a newer version of the phone you had? Seems like you're pretty happy with it.
  7. I've been using it during preview phases and now that it's in beta. Enrolled in Microsoft's beta program. Their system checks to see if your PC is compatible and after a butt ton of updates, you have a Win 11 system. It's pretty snappy IMO, but nothing that would make me run out to install it. When we upgrade our gaming PCs next year, it will come with 11 preinstalled. We'll just do a clean wipe to have vanilla 11 and go from there. But again, nothing to rush into if what you have fits your needs.
  8. Being that it helps with indigestion, blood pressure, controls hunger, and lowers blood sugar levels, why not give it a spin?
  9. I've always believed if it brings value to your life, then it's money well spent. Spending money simply to spend it? I guess if that's what brings you joy. I'm not going to judge.
  10. Not really. This didn't exist when you started, so technically your time wasn't wasted.
  11. I don't see a problem with submitting a criminal background check when applying/renewing Visa. I mean we do it now when we get a new job (or at least my job makes new applicants agree to one).
  12. Many religions have learned that they needed to change with the times to communicate with the generation at that time. I would think Buddhism to be no different. Sure, they use humor and slang, but with over 2 million people tuning in to hear what they have to say, surely it can be seen as a positive thing.
  13. Well stated. In my own situation it's Thailand or bust, so I see what you're saying. Honestly, I learned a lot in this thread. I had a few misconceptions that I was able to identify by looking at the situation from a wealth of perspectives. Don't get my wrong, there are plenty that will gripe just for the hell of it. But for others, there are underlying (valid) reasons for feeling how they do. That's the purpose of this post. Heck, even got a little theology lesson in somewhere above. ????
  14. Sorry if I'm giving you forum PTSD or something, but while I understand there is a fine line between being curious and being a troll, there are some of use that genuinely want to know other people's take on a matter as to no paint everyone with blanket statements.
  15. Who is spreading anything other than asking a legit question that received legit answers from all sides? It's not your cup of tea. I get it. Yet, you feel the need to let everyone know it's not your cup of tea. Enjoy the sun and don't take the internet too seriously.
  16. LOL, you're looking too much into it. These people meaning people, who may not even live in SEA, but complain relentlessly. My apologies if that wasn't clear.
  17. You bring up a good point. Some of these people may not even live in SEA.
  18. I read that. And I think this is a little different because I want to know (for those who say they hate living in Thailand, hate Thai food, etc.,) why they feel that what. What makes them feel that way. I am not sure how that is looking for reassurance versus being interested in their thoughts/feelings about the subject. There's been some very insightful and well-thought-out answers in this thread.
  19. Great to hear! May you continue to have good fortune with your health.
  20. I can see that. Keep bringing the reactions. You're almost through the entire thread!
  21. Reassurance for whom? I don't know the intent of other threads similar to this. Haven't come across them (though I am sure others have). For me, this is a discussion based on what I have seen during my time on the forum and wanted to know more about why. There have been those that have shared insights in which I found value. Hope you can say the same.
  22. My condolences for your loss. I offer no sympathy, but I do offer a moment of silence for the passing of your loved one. You speak truth and me and everyone else should take a second to listen.
  23. I get that. I'd rather ask a question than assume how others think. I don't know about you, but I learned some things today. For that, I say mission accomplished. Having people from diverse backgrounds speak from their point of view removes my having to make (possibly false) assumptions.
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